Top Stories of The Evil von Scarry Blog for 2013. In addition to follow up on 2012’s predictions for 2013 here is our top stories in terms of views for 2013. This is just for the blog not Facebook or Twitter feeds. In no particular order may I present:

1/ The rise of Pope Palpatine

our jab at the Evil Emperor Pope aka Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI ,you know The Emperor Strikes Back. Or wait that was Start Wars V or VI? Anyway he  just happened to also be the head of the Inquisition and was known as the previous Pope’s “Pit Bull”. Sure the Inquisition is  named something nice and fluffy now like the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. “Your lack of faith disturbs me Admiral….” we just couldn’t help ourselves,lol. Well now there’s a nicer pope as Ratzinger stepped down ,or is he just building the Death Star?

2/ Is Osama Bin Laden Dead? 
Not surprising people would wonder considering all of the bullshit and misdirection surrounding this man and the events of 9-11. 

3/ Shadows of MK ULTRA 
a part of my ongoing look at the MK ULTRA Program and its various connections to other events in history. A very tangled web and invariably taints all those involved.


4/ Japanese School Girl Porno
the blog post that would never die! Started as a joke bet between Mr.K and I and still it’s animated corpse haunts the internet threatening to devour the souls of all. It’s actually a PC article and explosures the strange Japanese obsession with school girls and Sailor Moon (is nothing sacred?!)

5/Bohemian Grove 
Ever wonder how the elite like to party? Turns out like a bunch of faggy frat boys and worshipping ancient child eating dieities such as Molech! Yeah folks you can’t make this shit up.

Thanks for tuning in,

Evil von Scarry 

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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