Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it”
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
Hidden History,Political Intrigue and Conspiracy Realism
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
The Real reason(s) you should say NO to hard drugs. An Evil von Scary public safety message: Winners don’t use hard drugs, they sell em. And make the competition go…
Maybe I’m getting nostalgic in my old age, too many memories coming back and reminiscence. Songs where the lyrics are just as triggering (or more so) than the instrumentation. Following…
You may have heard the term, “Military Industrial Complex” or “Security Industrial Complex”. So what is it exactly? In short it is the relationship between politicians, lobbyists, armed forces and…