Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it”
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
Hidden History,Political Intrigue and Conspiracy Realism
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
James Holmes, the apparent lone shooter who shot up a movie theater full of people (12 killed 58 wounded) during Batman: “The Dark Knight Rises“. Back in 2012 it took…
Most readers already know about the “mass suicide” of the Peoples Temple and its leader the Rev.Jim Jones. Commonly accepted history tells us in short: 1/Peoples Temple moved to Guiana…
Chances are if your here you already have a good idea about MK ULTRA and mind control programs, experiments etc. If not though may I direct you to some other…
warning this information is going to be disturbing for some. Video making links between U.S. intelligence operations and satanic cults. It sounds completely outlandish until someone starts following the trail…
Yeah sounds like some really paranoid kookery but it’s true. Mostly it’s in high tech or finance and that “fellow student” asking to borrow your notes just might be a…
Top Stories of The Evil von Scarry Blog for 2013. In addition to follow up on 2012’s predictions for 2013 here is our top stories in terms of views for…
Like most people I hadn’t thought much about “The Unibomber” other than that he had been a U.S. “mad bomber”. A crazy guy who made bombs in the back woods…
We’d ask Alice but she don’t live here no more. Sure you see the body blink, breath, etc but what was Alice has long gone. This article is part of…
here a quick summary of articles that were on the facebook site and through the gmail service , thanks to all those who submit articles on a regular basis like…