Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it”
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
Hidden History,Political Intrigue and Conspiracy Realism
Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it” Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature…
Sometimes Black (or Grey) Ops, like shit, happens……. Not every bad thing or mass shooting or mass casualty event is created by “them” for starters. But there’s enough sketchy events…
Many remember the terrible tragedy of the OKC Bombing April 19th, 1995. I remember being at the Jr. ranks club and watching it on CNN, some of the old salts…
Chances are if your here you already have a good idea about MK ULTRA and mind control programs, experiments etc. If not though may I direct you to some other…
We like to think of propaganda as something from world war 2 or the early Cold War era. Thing is it’s still alive and well in the so called modern…
International Terrorism Its the proverbial boogey man of the modern world. And the last while it’s been pretty much associated with Islamic extremists. We will cover the Islamic one here…