This year’s (2024) meeting has come and gone and it’s time to do a quick analysis of this years North American participants and give the reader a quick blurb

about each member and some information about each one. This year it was sunny Madrid.

I left out the European attendees and some others as those are covered by my cohorts in Europe, and frankly the EU membership

doesn’t mean a whole lot to U.S. and Canadian readers. I might also include (INT) International members who represent various international organizations.

The key topics for discussion at his year’s meeting are:

    • State of AI: I started getting suspicious of the A.I. claims about a year ago when I was checking out a company that claimed they used A.I. It was stated off hand in clumsy fashion. Almost like they need to just put it in somewhere to check a box. Then I started noticing a lot of other companies using A.I. as a buzzword. Then it kind of dawned on me this was just the current dot com bubble.

    • AI Safety: pfft. There’s no safety in the push to be first! Full speed and profits ahead!
    • Changing Faces of Biology: my best guess is this article will be the foundation for this discussion group there. Eric Lander will be the key note speaker on this discussion group.
    • Climate: they will give this a nod and a tut tut there there to some but unless there’s money to be made they don’t care.
    • Future of Warfare: Ukraine talk and probably China.
    • Geopolitical Landscape: always one of the main topics of these meetings.
    • Europe’s Economic Challenges: can Europe sustain growth and help Ukraine fight Russia at the same time? Can they keep China from taking over?
    • US Economic Challenges: The U.S. is precariously close to either a golden age or sliding into the toilet. Which will it be?
    • US Political Landscape: dumpster fire. Good luck America, hope it all works out.
    • Ukraine and the World: sorry to anyone who for inexplicable reasons back up Putin but on this topic your dead fucking wrong. Putin is clearly the aggressor and a thug. I get the rising isolationism creeping through the U.S. but if Putin isn’t stopped in Ukraine, Europe will be at war again. Here’s a quick and dirty list of Russian invasions since the collapse of the U.S.S.R.: 1992-1993 Transnistria, 1992-1993 Abkhazian War, 1994-1996 First Chechen War, 1999-2009 Second Chechen War, 2008 Russian-Georgian War, 2015-2022 Invasion of Syria and 2014- current Russian- Ukrainian War. One of the most ignorant claims I have heard is Putin’s aggression is due to NATO’s creeping expansion. Putin’s continued wars for expansion have increased NATO membership.
    • Middle East: 10% of world oil demand ships through the middle east, 1/3rd of all container traffic and 12% of global goods trades. So yeah pretty important. Not to mention the Middle East is where Europe, Asia and Africa all meet up. To call it “strategically important” is a giant understatement.
    • China: still a very important player but also seriously unstable

  • Russia: for the isolationist pro Russian doubters and any useful idiot, pro Communist/Soviet “tankees” aka those delusional idiots who think Ukraine is a nazi country and Putin is bringing back the U.S.S.R. Read or watch Putin’s speeches. He literally lays it all out there to bring back the U.S.S.R. and Imperial Russia’s previous borders. Isolationists, I can at least understand the ignorance of “if we don’t bother them they won’t bother us.” But the so called “communists” going over (or supporting) an imperial, oligarchical Russia? Just how fucking retarded are you people? Have fun in the Storm-Z suicide battalions. Also remember the Russians using “blocking units” so if it gets tough and you try to retreat you will be shot by Russian troops for retreating. If the cause was just then why would you need “blocking units”? Idiots.

I skipped last year’s meeting but covered the one in 2022. 

Here’s is this years list of attendees and a small blurb on each one with links. Quick note: there were 2 absentees this year of note. 1/ Henry Kissinger: Long time steering commitee member and now dead. Good riddance. 2/ Canadian Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Even the Bilderberg’s know the Liberal Party in Canada are losing.

Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production: also runs “rewiring America“: 2 time loser in the run for Alabama governor because she claims voter suppression without ever being able to prove the claim, but has been a successful state representative with the Democratic party. Also sits on a bunch of influential boards and plugged in with Amazon studios.

*Adeyemo, Adewale (USA), Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury: Bilderberg regular since 2022: Obama, Blackrock and now with Biden. Blackrock is a conspiracy boogeyman all on its own.

**Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chair, Evercore Inc. Served Carter and Clinton, resigned over Whitewater, investment banker also past steering committee member. Investment banker.

Amodei, Dario (USA), Co-Founder and CEO, Anthropic PBC  Probably there to explain why A.I. still sucks is not working like they want it to.

Anderlini, Jamil (DEU/USA), Editor-in-Chief, POLITICO Europe: I have a real love/hate relationship with POLITICO. I know it’s lefty globalist elitist bent but they write good articles. Bilderberg has a long time habit of bringing editors and reporters from influential publications to help editorialize and make their agenda(s) palatable.

Applebaum, Anne(USA) , Staff Writer, The Atlantic: Oh Anne, you just love that Bilderberg Kool-Aid, regular member and long time attendee. Anne is also a bit of a “Russia expert” having specialized in writing about Soviet/Russian history and politics. There to field questions about Russia.

Bengio, Yoshua (CAN), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal. First time attendee I think. Brought in to talk about how come it’s not ready yet for A.I. The Bilderberg people who threw money at A.I. when they can’t even read emails want to know what they are getting for their money. Surprise assholes, you bought into another hype bubble. They will not be pleased. Here’s a very recent long winded article written by Yoshua trying to salvage his technocatic, trans-human theories.

*Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc. Went to school to be a veterinarian but liked killing small lab animals and people with sketchy serums. So they made him a CEO. Been regular since 2022. Helped the big shots make a shit ton of money and tightened control of the world through panic passed legislation due to Covid. Unlike the A.I. guys he is useful to the Bilderberg Group.

Calviño, Nadia (INT), President, European Investment Bank. Newly appointed in that position this year. First time Bilderberg. There to talk money and get her marching orders.

*Carney, Mark J. (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management: 3rd time attendee. There as a speaker and probably about money. He was one of the people involved with helping Russia out of insolvency back in 1998. Brookfield’s asset responsibility alone is over 750 billion. Pretty much guarantees a seat at the table. Also of note he was previously with the Bank of Canada and England. Knows money and numbers.

Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe : There to talk about Russia and Ukraine.

Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry: Canadian Liberal MP and well entrenched member of the Laurentian Elite. Also probably going to be getting grilled on where the hell is our A.I. you guys promised!!

Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council: Was also part of the Brookings Institute, “His research focused on U.S. grand strategy, U.S.-China relations, and U.S. alliances. Chhabra co-led the Brookings Foreign Policy-wide initiative, Global China, focused on the implications of China’s growing global influence.” No mystery as to why Tarun is invited to speak there. Might also be getting in shit for the A.I. not happening yet.

Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup: helped fuck up Ireland, banker and firm globalist. There to talk about money most likely.

Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency: Leads a relatively new agency started at the end of 2018. Specialties included cyber security, hacking, disinformation and protecting infrastructure from cyber threats.  3rd time attendee. Former Army Intelligence and NSA “TAO” team.

Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University: Connected to all the right universities ie Sanford/Hoover Institute, think tanks etc. Economics historian and decently published author on geo politics and economics.  Also recently did interviews and literature on AI. Lol probably there because of the AI bit. The Bilderbergs already have lots of money people.

Finer, Jonathan (USA), Deputy National Security Advisor: There to rep his boss, answer what he can. Previously a reporter before government, knows Georgia and Russian conflicts. Might also be there to talk Ukraine given his experience in covering other Russian wars.

Fraser, Jane (USA), CEO, Citigroup: First woman to run a major U.S. bank. Citibank is a big bank so there to talk money and probably being scouted. Citibank is also corrupt as hell and will and has laundered anyone’s money.

Gabuev, Alexander, Director (INT), Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center: Smart guy, investment and marketing guy, speaks 5 languages fluently and knows Russian and China.

Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), European Commissioner for Economy: former Italian PM. Head money talker in the E.U.

Harrington, Kevin (USA), Managing Director, Thiel Capital LLC: One of those hustle culture douche bags who sells people the bullshit idea that if you work hard enough you can be a billionaire. Thiel Capital (etal) is the Bilderberg Groups inroad to the Trump campaign and potentially it’s administration.

*Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC : George Lucas’ wife and famous in her own right. Sits on a lot of financially important boards. She’s been a regular attendee for a few years now and is all in.

*Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies: longtime attendee
Self described “socialist”, yet does data mining for the CIA and other intelligence groups. Dangerous as he believes his own bullshit yet has too much money for anyone to call him out on it. -Facebook data breach, 2016 Elections, Cambridge Analytica scandal

Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University: Professor, Author, Academic, writer. Russian expert. Affiliated with Princeton and other Ivy Leagues.

**Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.: Husband of Steering Committee member Marie-Josee Kravis. Money guy and funds a few boards at prestigious universities and various corporate boards, trusts,etc.

**Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), President of American Friends of Bilderberg Inc.; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute:, Co-Chair Bilderberg Meetings; Chair, The Museum of Modern Art.

Lander, Eric S. (USA), Founding Director, Broad Institute: probably the most unintentionally dangerous man in the room. Human Genome project guy, knows diseases etc. There as a presenter.

Lee, Peter (USA), President, Microsoft Research: a lot of the Bilderberg’s with money will want answers and how come with all the money they threw at A.I. it still isn’t worth shit. My guess is when the A.I. bubble bursts there going to be a bigger body count of A.I. guru’s than the Clinton body count.

Lighthizer, Robert (USA), Chair, Center for American Trade: Bildies getting ready for that Trump presidency. Trump might win but they’ll be holding all the cards and have eyes and ears all around him.

Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP: bringing John in to make sure he gives the team a heads up on breaking news before it’s public and maybe to quash the occasional story.

*Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute: Linked to Steering Committee member MJ Kravis and her participant husband. Career Army, General, and was even a CIA director. Got into trouble mishandling classified information. Repeat attendee. Wants a seat at the big boy table. KKR’s people have been heavily invested into Bilderberg activity for the last long while.

*Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute: repeat attendee, former National Security Council advisor during Trump. Defense Department guy who is an expert on Russia and Ukraine.

*Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chairman, Google LLC: repeat attendee. Another technocrat. Also will probably be talking about microchip security and China. He also better have answers about AI. Might be Eric’s last meeting, see what happens next year.

Sherman, Wendy R. (USA), Former Deputy Secretary of State. Politically connected, ambassador experience and knows lots of dirt. Probably being scouted.

Siddall, Evan (CAN), CEO, Alberta Investment Management Corporation: worked for lots of banks and investing. Manages a big chunk of cash in Canada. There to talk post Trudeau money.

Stephens, Bret (USA), Opinion Columnist, New York Times: there to talk shop and probably being recruited.

**Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC: repeat attendee and will probably be running the group in not to distant future. Checks off a lot of the Bilderberg boxes: repeat participant, connected, tech,finance and connected to other members.  Also involved with Palantir ,Paypal, artificial intelligence, life-extension, seasteading (colonizing the seabeds), Facebook, investment, venture capitalism,etc. Also backer of  Y-Combinator a joint private/public/CIA tech group. Peter is a dyed in the wool technocrat.  Peter was also the guy who got JD Vance in with Trump as a running mate. If Peter pulls off the Kingmaker Move he will have a seat at steering committee.

Ward, Jonathan (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute: there to talk about China

Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, NSC: probably there to talk about the Ukraine War, potential collapse and post Russia.

Zakaria, Fareed (USA), Host, Fareed Zakaria GPS: there for a few reasons. CNN and New York Times. Also he is a well read by the non lunatic left democrats and seems to have a pulse on Trump from that perspective.

For those who haven’t been paying attention or just learned about the Bilderberg Group then this is a video discussing last year’s conference and gives a good backgrounder:

Thanks for tuning in, until next time- Evil von Scary



By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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