Evil von Scary Presents: Assassination Mechanics or “If I did it”
Starting off as a horrible fucking idea I’ve decided to run with it as another regular or reoccurring feature
here on The Evil von Scary Show.
The idea behind “Assassination Mechanics or If I did it” will be to explore famous/historical assassinations that have a conspiratorial basis.
We will cover some details of the allegations but only as setting the scene. The majority of the work will involve how we would actually going about assassinating such and such a historical figure, looking at the “mechanics” of the assassination or the nuts and bolts of it. Trying to avoid the conjecture and sticking more to the how it was done or should have been done. Taking out the improbable and exploring the most likely mechanisms. As an example using the JFK Assassination: would the grassy knoll have been a good spot? Was the school book depository a good ambush location? Or was the best place to pop JFK actually the seldom mentioned overpass? Which rifle did Oswald allegedly use? Could it have worked the way it did? A few things that destroy the Warren Commissions summation and would have actually exonerated Oswald if he made it to court. What marksmanship experience did James Earl Ray have before he allegedly took the life of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. What kind of rifle was used? Judge Joe Brown and his research and findings, including that a different caliber had been used. These things and many more will be explored in how these things went down, the murder weapons and immediate scene.
Explore how we would have done the job if we were the culprits.
So far were still in the evidence gathering and testing out phase and researching various firearms (Mr.K and I are licensed firearms owners and also veterans) . Were looking forward to bringing this to our readers. Stay tuned for future details. -EvS