Category: FBI

activist activist post ADHD advice alternative media american dream Anonymous Apartheid assassination assissination authority bank bankers banking banks banksters Barry Seal big brother big pharma bilderberg black ops burden of proof bush CIA clandestine Clinton COINTELPRO cold war colonialism conspiracy conspiracy fact conspiracy theories consumers contaminated heroin controversy corporate interests Corruption Crack Crime depopulation divide and rule documentary documents Donald Regan education elites empowerment ethnic cleansing FBI FBI document federal government Feds felons fight the power foreign policy freedom Freeway Rick government control Government corruption health heroin hippies history homeland security illegal manipulation medicine meth Mexican MI6 mind control money neo fuedalism new american century news nwo one percent open media open source intelligence orwell orwellian Pakistan peasants revolt pentagon perpetual war pharma Pheonix police action police corruption police informants police planting drugs police state politics Population Control poverty Power elites prison private armies Private Prisons privatization proof proxy war real life Ruling Elites scam secret agenda social commentary social conditioning social justice social media social studies state secret State Sponsored Terrorism The Big Picture the economy top secret trafficking truth truth in media truth speaker u.k. U.S. undercover United States United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities urban decay values veterans wall street war crimes war is a racket war on drugs war on terror Weapon of mass destruction western agenda western democracy whistleblower wikileaks

Why you should just say NO to hard drugs

The Real reason(s) you should say NO to hard drugs. An Evil von Scary public safety message: Winners don’t use hard drugs, they sell em. And make the competition go…

2012 aurora shooting Acadami access to information act agents provocateurs air america army articles assange enemy of the state assassin assassination Assassination links assassination squads black ops Bologna Train Station bombings censorship Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence CIA CIA Projects CIA torture clandestine conspiracy Corruption Death of Democracy FBI FBI document foreign policy george orwell Gladio Global Awakening government government control Government corruption government spying history JFK JFK Assassination John Perkins. Confessions of an Ecomomic Hitman limited hangout links list Madrid Bombing manipulation mass shootings Mercenaries MI5 MI6 militarization of police military Military Commisions Act Military Industrial Complex military life mysterious deaths NATO NATO Secret Armies NSA nsa whistleblower Office of Naval Intelligence open source open source intelligence Operation Chaos Operation Gladio operation paperclip oss pentagon police police action police planting drugs policy alternatives political purposes political response privatization proxy war public private partnerships realpolitik Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives rule of law secret agenda secret police shit happens spying state secret State Sponsored Terrorism Stay behind armies terrorist actions the economy The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy truth in media United States United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities us isreali crimes war war crime war on drugs war on terror

Sometimes Black Ops (like shit) happens

Sometimes Black (or Grey) Ops, like shit, happens……. Not every bad thing or mass shooting or mass casualty event is created by “them” for starters. But there’s enough sketchy events…

Email leaks, Wikileaks and the Clinton Foundation

Recently on RT News a segment on there called “Going Underground” interviewed Julian Assange about the DNC email leaks. The email leaks resulted in people quitting the Clinton campaign and…

James Holmes the Aurora Shooter revisited

James Holmes, the apparent lone shooter who shot up a movie theater full of people (12 killed 58 wounded) during Batman: “The Dark Knight Rises“. Back in 2012 it took…

agents provocateurs american propaganda ARTICHOKE articles assassin assassination Assassination links assassination squads assissination big brother black ops Bluebird bombings brain damage. brainwashed Charles Manson chemical weapons church committee CIA CIA Projects CIA torture clown paintings conspiracy conspiracy fact conspiracy models conspiracy theories conspiracy theory controlled opposition conversations culture war DARPA documentary documents espionage evil von scarry evil von scarry show evil von scary experimentation extra judicial killing false flag false flag attack FBI FBI document federal government Feds Fema Camp free video gate keepers Genva Convention Germany government Government corruption government spying health health effects health freedom history Hollywood House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence human drug experiment human rights illegal information JFK Assassination JFK Murder links LSD mad bomber mad scientists masks mass shootings medical experiments medical mystery mental disorder mental health Mexico City MI5 MI6 Military Industrial Complex mind control mind control drone MK SEARCH MK ULTRA mkultra monarch mysterious deaths mystery nazi nightmares open source intelligence Operation Gladio operation paperclip panic paranormal research parapsychology Power elites power of nightmares programming Project Monarch proof proxy war psychadelic psychiatry psychic driving psychological research PTSD RCMP review ritual abuse Roseanne Barr sandusky child abuse Sandy Hook satanic cults satanism secret agenda Secret Societies Serial Killers seriel killer sharon tate sheeple Siege of Toulouse sub project 68 subliminal suggestion surviving survivors guilt syndrome tavistock institute Ted Kaczynski terrorism terrorist terrorist actions terrorists testing The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy the real X files they are coming to get you THOSE WHO DO NOT REMEMBER THE PAST ARE CONDEMNED TO REPEAT IT top secret training truth u.k. U.S. UK United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities wake up war war crime war crimes war on drugs war on terror waterboarding what really happened whistleblower witnesses

MK ULTRA / MK-SEARCH update videos and links

Chances are if your here you already have a good idea about MK ULTRA and mind control programs, experiments etc. If not though may I direct you to some other…

1932 Business Plot 1960's access to information act activist activist post agents provocateurs Al-Qaeda american civil war american corporation American Defense anonymity assange enemy of the state banking conspiracy bilderberg agenda Bill of Rights black ops Bluebird brainwashing cctv cell phone censorship CFR marching orders COINTELPRO commies Computer security computers conspiracy fact controlled economy controlled opposition corporate fascism covert cyber cyber security cyber warfare DARPA Death of Democracy debt economy delete the elite Democracy demonstrations DHS DHS targets disinfo agent divide and rule Dogs of War Domestic Security Force dont tread on me east German economy espionage EU fascism extra judicial killing false flag false flag attack fascist coup america FBI FBI document federal government fighting the NWO general strike george orwell german intelligence Gestapo Gladio Glass Steagal Act Global Awakening global governance global government Globalist Agenda globalists limited hangout militarization of police Military Commisions Act Military Industrial Complex mind control MK ULTRA mkultra mockingbird National Defense Authorization Act new world order Nixon and Bretton Woods NSA NSA releases nsa whistleblower online online spying online surveillance open source intelligence Operation Chaos Operation Gladio orwellian Plutocracy police state politics PRISM privacy Protect IP protest Protests realpolitik rebellion Rex84 rich people rule of law Ruling Elites tavistock institute technology terrorists The Big Picture the economy top secret UK United Nations United States USA Patriot Act wall street plot western agenda western democracy what is the Internet hiding? whistleblower wifi exposure wikileaks wire tapping

Your workplace,school,government,town has spies!

Yeah sounds like some really paranoid kookery but it’s true. Mostly it’s in high tech or finance and that “fellow student” asking to borrow your notes just might be a…

Home grown terrorists and “Terror Tourists”?

A Canadian man was arrested (a few years ago) for trying to join a terrorist organization (Al-Shabab) and recruit someone else (in this case an undercover cop) to do the…

This is what happens when you call the cops

Im not a rap fan at all but this song does sum up the current militarization of our police forces really well. Song artist is Rob Hustle Thanks for tuning…