Major General Smedley Butler (USMC) had a book called “War is a Racket” and he was right.  His speech was a very stirring one. Keep in mind this came out in the 1930’s! And this guy won the Congressional Medal of Honor TWICE! He also exposed the “Business Plot” to overthrow America.

Let’s take a look behind the curtain of propaganda that the general public are shown to justify or explain various conflicts, wars and actions.. heck history in general. Sure we hear about such and such a place that we’re there fighting for Democracy, Human Rights, Terrorists,etc. Really? Seems pretty expensive with our blood and treasure to try to force people to our way of thinking. Or what about various revolutions and social upheavals? Why didn’t the West invade Cambodia back when the Khmer Rogue was killing millions? But yet had no problem marching into various other tin pot dictatorships in Africa to “bring freedom” (and Western business) to the people there.

Joe Rogan in a more “updated” 21st Century War is a Racket

Sure there’s a host of issues and variables any diplomat worth their salt could bury us in bullshit for hours about (gee kinda sounds like lawyers and car salesman everyone’s two favorite people) but let’s boil it down…. money. Business sure but that’s about generating more money. Control? Sure but again its about the money which is a form of control but that is another topic.

For instance anyone who remembers the terror called The Khmer Rogue of Cambodia usually remembers things like “The Killing Fields” and the sheer horror of Communism gone mad. But as people were being dragged out of the cities and shot after “Year Zero”, Brother No.3 Ieng Sary was bringing in the new regime money from China to the tune of about a $ 1 Billion USD equivalent to “finance” the “revolution”. There was also money being made with Thai sapphire and logging companies, throwing in some slave labor for cheap as well (they had to reeducate those capitolists somehow right?). So yet another revolution that replaces one group of elites with another more business friendly group. The United States also supported the Khmer Rouge ,remember those Thai mining and lumber companies? Also the U.S. still was fresh from their own ill fated war with Vietnam so were still pissed off anyway. Eventually Vietnam (the so called bad guys) finally got sick of the shit ( after Pol Pot thought invading Vietnam was a great idea) and invaded Cambodia in 1978. Putting an end effectively to the Khmer Rouge. Of interest China attacked Vietnam the following year and got their asses handed to them. Gee whiz.. so much for “communist solidarity”!

I promised to look into Royal Dutch Shell before. Recently there were some joint exercises with the Dutch Royal Navy and the PRC (China)’s Navy. Turns out they also did joint work against Somalian Pirates.  Sure gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to see international cooperation. But really what’s in it for both?… Royal Dutch Shell. In Africa especially in Nigeria both countries seem to have a mutual interest. Shell has had a long history with Nigeria and not really a good one either. It has supported oppressive governments there and paid to have dissidents executed and demonstrations broken up with military force. China has had a bit of a rocky history there but increasing influence of late. China is also selling weapons to Nigeria to “stabilize” the area. Gotta keep those pesky tribals in check! Shell has been accused of using mercenaries in other countries as well to get their own way. Of course Shell has denied this. But people have big mouths and egos so it’s not hard to verify this.

Well time to kick that dog shit  known as Iraq. Infamous for being a big business backed regime ,Saddam changed from using U.S. Dollars to Euro’s for selling his oil. That is the real reason he had to go. Not a conspiracy, here’s a link to TIME magazine article back in 2000. Academi (or Blackwater at that time) were the big money making PMC operatives there at that time but the pie is now being taken up by some other players.

Long story short it was time for a regime change. 

 (at right EO at undisclosed location)

Iran did the same thing not so long ago and wants to set up a separate oil exchange. So you just gotta know that their fucked too. Syria was in on that and we can all see what’s going on there! And yes Royal Dutch Shell was there in Iraq (after the fact) to cash in yet again. I’m kind of wondering being that Shell is an Anglo-Dutch corporation how much Bilderberg and how much Rothschild investment there is? More on that later in the article. 

Now to the real Dogs of War…..

The use of mercenaries (they like to be referred to as PMC’s -Private Military Companies) in various conflicts has been on the upswing since the actions of Executive Outcomes in Sierra Leone. The company that contracted this private army (then known as EO) received diamond mine concessions as payment from the government there.

The use of the Privatized Dogs of War is controversial to say the least. Corporations and Governments have an upside with PMC’s in that they don’t have to pay them benefits or retirement, don’t have to feed or equip them either. Which believe or not is A LOT of money. Kind of like getting a hooker instead of a wife. Get the business done and move on and forget about it. It wasn’t all that uncommon to refer to mercenaries as “The Whores of War” back when.  

Business Insider does an excellent summary article on the big players of the PMC world, current as of June 2013.The use of PMC’s is lucrative (approx $100 Billion USD per year) as well as allowing an arms distance of liability for their employers. To date no “contractors” have ever seen a day in court for shooting of civilians or any other alleged crimes.

Now let’s get back to kicking Shell in the nuts a bit more…. 
In Nigeria: 
 Integrated-Risk Management Services  (the security side being known as Business Mobile Security Services Ltd )is the company (PMC) hired by Royal Dutch Shell to keep things secure in the Corrib gas project. They are low key enough (and smart enough) not to label themselves as a PMC and don’t have the macho bravado image of the more American firms,very British.Unfortunately for them though allegations of connections to child soldier groups and other wrong doings are coming to light.

Getting back to the Bilderberg connections I found 3 members of Royal Dutch Shell as members of that shadowy group. 

From left to right- Peter Voser CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, Simon Henry CFO, Jorma Ollila Non Executive Chairman (Bilderberg Steering Committee member!!!!). Jorma’s predecessor was
Josef Ackermann (who is also a Bilderberg Steering Committee member, now big wheel at World Economic Forum and Deutche Bank..go figure )

As to the Rothschild connections they were pretty easy to find, those people like to brag! Some good backgrounders can be found here, here and one last one (there’s too many to list them all).

Well Im going to try to keep it short so will wrap it up here. Needless to say when you hear about a war that’s for “fighting terrorists“, “bringing democracy”, “saving the orphans” , “war on drugs“or whatever you know it’s bullshit.

For further reading I would like to suggest “War on the Rocks“. It’s an excellent site and gives really good insights into U.S. national security issues and Realpolitik without the rhetoric.  -Evil von Scary

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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