Bilderberg 2022 North American participants
It’s been a few years since 2019 that we’ve covered the Bilderberg participants for North America. This year’s meeting was from June 2nd till the 5th 2022 and took place…
Hidden History,Political Intrigue and Conspiracy Realism
It’s been a few years since 2019 that we’ve covered the Bilderberg participants for North America. This year’s meeting was from June 2nd till the 5th 2022 and took place…
The Palantir technologies company name keeps showing up like the proverbial bad penny. Owner Peter Thiel and CEO Alex Karp keep popping up on my radar through what should have…
He joined the investment bank Bear Stearns,where he made partner in just four years (1980), allegedly a tax genius, helped rich people hide their money. Yet oddly (in a 2002…
List, commentary,backgrounder and links to the 2019 Bilderberg Group (North American) attendees.
Gotta say it’s great seeing the public at large around the world and even some mainstream media finally acknowledging there is such a thing as a Bilderberg Group. It wasn’t…
Well like many folks Ive seen the Zika virus news clips and read about it in the papers. Of course various agencies (clamoring for funding more likely) and interests, warning…
Major General Smedley Butler (USMC) had a book called “War is a Racket” and he was right. His speech was a very stirring one. Keep in mind this came out…