Welcome to another addition of this week or so in review:
A few in house items. The Kount Kreepy Blog has now joined forces with the Horror Bloggers Alliance and looking forward to working with everyone there.
No new articles for the blog this week
but plenty of facebook posts and circulation of articles via gmail and twitter. Here’s a review of the trending articles. The Week or so in review is our chance at bringing forward articles that we haven’t had time to address as well as giving more editorial to other contributions to the EvS Show. Thanks for tuning in! -Evil von Scarry
1/Tragic suicide of teen girl Amanda Todd.
Well one of those tragedies that everyone likes to pass around feel like their doing something about society and the horrible internet. Unfortunately things like this happen and will always happen internet or not. However Amanda’s suicide will be used for more internet monitoring and more draconian rules, first there needs to be public support. Its the old problem, reaction, solution formula and the powers that be walk away with what they want on the backs and tragedies of others. Why was this girls parents not more involved or her family and looking at an intervention? That is the real tragedy that this girl was so ignored by her own family that it even got anywhere near as far as it did. This girl put an extreme amount of time into her pleas, including video editing, Photoshopping, etc. Where the fuck were her parents? Yet another polarizing issue that will be a Trojan Horse for a different agenda. Im deliberately not adding her suicide note video as self termination is not something we support however were not here to tell you that you cant do that either (ie in the cases of terminal illnesses, etc but again not our place to tell you the right or wrong of it)
2/ Free the JFK Files:
Change dot.org looking for signatures for petition on releasing the JFK Files. Only a few hundred more needed at this time of writing:
“Two years ago the National Archives promised the American public that it would release thousands of pages of still-secret JFK assassination records by the end of 2013. The National Archives, at the behest of the CIA, reneged on this promise. This is contrary to President Obama’s pledge to have the most open administration in history and makes it impossible to have a full and open debate when the 50th anniversary of the assassination occurs in less than two years on November 22, 2013.”
Something I found while looking into this is that JFK was requesting UFO files 10 days before he died, interesting to say the least!
3/ Espionage fiasco: ‘Top Chinese firms should be banned from US’ – report
This really should be a no brainer. PRC (Peoples Republic of China) do not have privately run companies! The companies there are either owned by the army (People’s Liberation Army) or The State. So any telecom company coming from there is going to have spying capability. Just because it’s not overt commie troops marching with red banners singing patriotic songs does not mean it’s still not going to happen. Economics is still used as warfare by most countries, not just China. However the general public just doesn’t think of things that way. Having any foreign country’s company (any foreign company wherever you live) that is known to use espionage in all its forms and persuasion to undermine, gain intelligence or competitive advantage ( yeah i know that narrows it down, lol) in a position of potential manipulation in the host country should not be allowed. This is in things like banking, infrastructure, transportation or communications , food, water, fuel ( could also be bio-medical–pharmacy as well) also known as strategic resources. In the past (in the west) these were known as “scheduled countries”. These were countries that people who worked in certain jobs would have travel restrictions on visiting those countries ( for instance if you worked in the nuclear industry it might not be advisable to travel to Iran without a big hassle or North Korea). If you have a country that is traditionally adversarial to your own strategic aims then you should not allow that country‘s companies into any of your own strategic resource/industries. It’s only common sense.
4/ Che Gevera‘s death anniversary October 9th 1967
Che was extremely influential in his time to both his supporters and enemies. Now pretty well his face sells t-shirts to unwitting leftists who have no real concept of what Che did or what his ideas were. Che was a figure who stirred allot of adoration as well as hate.
5/ Patterson Power Cell: Cold Fusion Energy That Can Clean Radioactive Waste
thanks to TW who tirelessly keeps us informed of alternate energy and technologies that can benefit all of us but unfortunately will be difficult to distribute due to our current energy cartel and its efforts at crushing new energies!
“Dr. James Patterson heats up the energy debate by introducing a cold fusion free energy that also has radioactive reduction properties. This was recently discussed by Richard C. Hoagland on the Coast to Coast AM show hosted by George Noory. Patterson made his television debut in 1996 when Patterson was on ABC News with science editor, Michael Guillen and then on Good Morning America a few months after.”
6/ Congressman learns what kind of government he serves
(at left Congressman Tom Marino)
” October 9, 2012 Congressman Tom Marino of Pennsylvania went to the air waves through WILK 3 weeks before the election to push his campaign. Anthony Antonello happened to be the first caller to get through and.. well, you can be the judge of the rest. “-from RTR.Org (Restore the Republic)