Category: commies

1932 Business Plot 1960's access to information act activist activist post agents provocateurs Al-Qaeda american civil war american corporation American Defense anonymity assange enemy of the state banking conspiracy bilderberg agenda Bill of Rights black ops Bluebird brainwashing cctv cell phone censorship CFR marching orders COINTELPRO commies Computer security computers conspiracy fact controlled economy controlled opposition corporate fascism covert cyber cyber security cyber warfare DARPA Death of Democracy debt economy delete the elite Democracy demonstrations DHS DHS targets disinfo agent divide and rule Dogs of War Domestic Security Force dont tread on me east German economy espionage EU fascism extra judicial killing false flag false flag attack fascist coup america FBI FBI document federal government fighting the NWO general strike george orwell german intelligence Gestapo Gladio Glass Steagal Act Global Awakening global governance global government Globalist Agenda globalists limited hangout militarization of police Military Commisions Act Military Industrial Complex mind control MK ULTRA mkultra mockingbird National Defense Authorization Act new world order Nixon and Bretton Woods NSA NSA releases nsa whistleblower online online spying online surveillance open source intelligence Operation Chaos Operation Gladio orwellian Plutocracy police state politics PRISM privacy Protect IP protest Protests realpolitik rebellion Rex84 rich people rule of law Ruling Elites tavistock institute technology terrorists The Big Picture the economy top secret UK United Nations United States USA Patriot Act wall street plot western agenda western democracy what is the Internet hiding? whistleblower wifi exposure wikileaks wire tapping

Your workplace,school,government,town has spies!

Yeah sounds like some really paranoid kookery but it’s true. Mostly it’s in high tech or finance and that “fellow student” asking to borrow your notes just might be a…