In this article we feature various stories picked from our contributors, readers, Twitter feed, Facebook and other media. As well as some additional commentary on items from yours truly.
Welcome to another edition for The Last Few Weeks or so In Review. Here we go…..
1/Congresswoman interrupted while discussing NSA wiretapping for a Justin Beiber “News Flash”
Folks you can’t make this shit up. It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.
Holy fuck… really? This passes for real news these days? How friggin dumbed down has society become… and why? Our long time readers and friends already know the answer. Stay tuned maybe we can teach ya something!
2/ Kiev Protests and what we learned from them
To say the situation in the Ukraine is fucked up is an understatement. One one hand you have a government that wants to see a return to the good ole days of the S.S.R. but with more Coca Cola and blue jeans for the upper class and good ole repressive communism for everyone else. On another side there is a huge right wing element that wants the good ole days of “Nazi liberty”, oh and to join the EU. Apparently there’s no viable third option. But when one actually listens to some of the talking heads we start hearing things like ” the eastern Ukraine is different than the West” ,”or they think differently…..blah blah”. So is this a modern day “Non Aggression Pact”(ie The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) between East and West?
Other points of interest are when protestors were receiving cell phone messages and texts stating, “Dear subscriber, you are registered [continues] as a participant in a mass riot‘- now thats some pretty fricking Orwellian shit there! It did not have the desired effect, in fact it made things worse and even more people showed up to protest. This has been going on now for over 3 months! Guess there’s no fluoride in the water over there.
Some things we learned, the protests are not just in Kiev- it went “viral” across the country.
Now I’m a big fan of RT but realize that it is in Russia’s best interest to back up the current government in power there. There has also been a huge shift from calling people protestors to now using the actual term rebels! Too many it might not be that big of a leap but politically its huge and allows for a wider government response spectrum. So is this history repeating itself. Is Sochi the games of 1936? Soon to big a bigger crisis to usher in the New World Government when the dust settles? Radioactive or otherwise? Lets hope not and maybe were reading too much into the bigger picture… .lets hope so.
3/ The War (on some) Drugs
We did another article on Why the War on Drugs is Bullshit part 2
As many know the so called “War on Drugs” isn’t working for most people but international finance and the “prison industrial complex” are doing just fine thank you. Big Pharma needs to keep selling healthy people drugs!
Great documentary, first few minutes are in Dutch. Remainder is in English with Dutch subtitles.
4/ Deep Internet and deep conspiracy
I had diner with one of our former local town councilman during which we had some interesting conversations as he is also a self confessed “information junkie” and also a pretty open mind. He had asked if I had ever heard of the “Deep Internet”, which admittedly I had not.
The long and the short of it is thus:
The Internet most of us use everyday (ie you reading this blog) is just the surface of the Internet. We find things like blogs and
newsites, Youtube videos,games etc through web-browsers (ie Internet Explorer, Safari,Firefox,etc). Web browsers send out spiders to find web pages and sites, scanning the surface and enabling you to find links via your search engine. DARPA is now (probably already has) looking for a way to catalog the Deep Net or Invisible Web. The so called Deep Web is really the Wild West of the Internet ,everything from activists and hackers to illegal entities wishing to remain in the dark except to those who can find them (using certain software).
Turns out that the NSA has been doing their own False Flag attacks via the Web.
U.S. Government retaining documents in law suit involving ACLU and unknown NSA Programs
That’s all the time we have for now. Be sure to check out our other mediums to lots more stories and leads to pertinent information.
Your Internet Recce Team, EvS OUT!