Category: Surveillance State

#OPStopTheBullshit 1932 Business Plot 2014 5 eyes agenda agenda 21 Al-ciada Al-Qaeda Al-Quida alan watt alex jones american corporation Anonymous Apocalypse ARTICHOKE articles authority ayman AL-zawahiri bank of england banking conspiracy Barry Seal being tracked bilderberg agenda black nobility black ops cautiously aware censorship CFR Charles Manson CIA communists Computer security computers conspiracy conspiracy cafe conspiracy fact conspiracy models conspiracy theories conspiracy theory consumer citizen consumers controlled economy controlled opposition controversy Corporate greed corporate interests corporate media cyber security cyber warfare dealing with the past divide and rule documentary eight track electronic end times evil von scarry evil von scarry show evil von scary facebook fringe general strike george orwell Gladio Global Awakening global governance global government Globalism globalist Globalist Agenda globalists government government control Government corruption new world order north korea NSA Occupy Movement Office of Naval Intelligence online surveillance open source intelligence orwellian Osama Bin Laden oss police police action police brutality police corruption police state political choice political purposes political response politics Power elites power freaks powers that be problem reaction solution Project Monarch proof propaganda propaganda media psychic spies rabbit hole realpolitik revolution Rockefeller Ruling Elites scoops secret police Secret Societies security sit-rep situational awareness SKYNET slaves to banks snopes social conditioning society subliminal surveillance Surveillance State Syrian opposition terrorism Terrorism for Dummies terrorist terrorist actions terrorists thinking this weeks news time timeline Trans-humanism United Nations war war crime week in review western agenda western democracy what is the Internet hiding? what really happened what to do when we win World Bank Worst Case Scenario Zibgniew Brzezinski Zionists zombies Zombo zombo's closet

2014, this Year in review

Welcome gentle readers, contributors, haters and fans to “2014, this Year in review.” This year we graduated from a blog to a dedicated domain name but still in a blogish…

This is what happens when you call the cops

Im not a rap fan at all but this song does sum up the current militarization of our police forces really well. Song artist is Rob Hustle Thanks for tuning…