The Reds, the Hoard, Commies. 

For generations in the west we have learned to hate the little red bastards so why now are so many governments so quick to jump into bed with the PRC? 

We think we know “it’s all about the money”. Metaphorically it’s like a big onion with many layers .

Businesses here can send work over to China and pay next to nothing in labor costs.
China has next to no environmental, safety or other labor laws to protect workers orconsumers” for that matter. (Ive always hated that label of consumers, it brings to mind a bunch of cattle or pigs). The People Liberation Army (the armed wing of Communism) owns all business in China. There is no independently owned corporations there.

China didn’t “steal” the jobs, the elites let PRC have them. 

Another part of the problem is that jobs here and being sent “over there” because so called representative governments here are representing the interests of business (via lobbyists) and not the working slobs (ie you and me). So is it really about the money? Or maybe were just seeing through one of those rare windows into a “behind the curtain” moments.

In studying the whole sordid history of a rush to free trade with China it turns into a central node of many “conspiracy theories”, problem is they’re not theories and allot of them turn out to be true. I know I maybe oversimplifying the whole subject and there is more complexity to China/US relations but this is a blog and not a dissertation….. then again maybe it’s not all that complex. The complexity is the smoke screen for a pretty straight up plan. Don’t discount the layers of the onion as they support the next ones.

 There are many “conspiracy theories” that tie in with the China question:

UN Agenda 21- the UN has called China a “model UN country”. Sure why not, it’s a top heavy bureaucracy that has top down dictation and control with small but powerful groups of techno and plutocrats. The people are free to buy whatever they want but have no rights whatsoever. The PRC government has adopted Agenda 21 whole hog. 
Bring back the old feudal system in a plutocratic hell for the regular folk. 
The Chinese constitution is a joke.  Any citizens in China that have ever tried to get any of their “rights” as outlined in their constitution have been put in re-eduction camps (places where they put people who are thinking wrongly) or just into forced labor factories to make goods for export. There is also no compunctions to moving entire populaces when business wants into and area.

 The one child policy, Agenda 21 is about small groups of elites (Plutocrats,etc) having a lifestyles of the rich and famous while the rest of a tightly controlled population lives in working poverty cramped into dirty and overcrowded cities. China is almost there. Eventually the rest of civilization will have to follow. Its about socialism for everyone else and the “Life of Reilly” for the elites. 

As trade increases less work will be available in the west and regular folks will be forced to live a reduced living standard more in line with the people in China in order to be “more competitive“. It’s the big race to the bottom with the elites and their flunkies laughing all the way.

Henry Kissinger opening up Globalism  

There is hope however and we still have the mechanisms of democracy. The globalists don’t control everything from a top down system(yet). Its about giving processes, elections, laws, crisis a shove in the right direction a long term plan. Their agents such as Maurice Strong, various Bilderberg, CFR, Trilateral Commission members work toward this long term plan but having to work within the framework of the so called “Free World”. For now we still have some mechanisms to prevent this and still have some Democratic control but its slipping fast. Thus why we keep getting manufactured crises in order to change and tweak the system, streamlining us all into their goal. The so called New World Order.

Others may argue whether China is part of the so called “Anglo-American Alliance” as part of a NWO. I assert that it doesn’t matter. Its about going back to a feudal style system. With the elites holding power with no oversight, dialing back the clock a few hundred years. The western elites have no problem having Asian elites like back in the old days, using limited wars to control the population. In many elites view the so called popular control (ie democracy) has failed. It’s produced Napoleons and Hitlers and taken control and direction out of their hands, time to rein that “freedom” back in. Problem for the elites is that they are losing their grip that’s why they will fight that much harder to maintain control, to speed up the process. Which is why it’s even more important for all of us to be more involved not just passive observers.

But why would people in government or other agencies allow this to happen? Because it’s easier to go along, to keep the system going for which they owe their livelihood. The best cinema scene in recent history explains it very easily in less than one minute.

MORPHEUS: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it..


By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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