Thanks to Tom for this link!! Ever wonder what all the buzz is about
when it comes to the big boys and this infamous “U.N.Agenda 21”?
I’ll admit when I first heard about this I thought, “oh great another
bullshit conspiracy theory” Well thats until I read the document.

Its about killing us all off, regardless of color or economic status.
Those techno and autocrats Im guessing get to live whereas anyone
else thats not already in the group is out.Dont even try to kiss
some ass, it will let you live a little longer until your no longer useful.
The greenies, communists, national socialist and all the other ‘ists and isms.
YOUR BEING USED!! Playing all sides off against the middle.
As usual the information is right in front of our faces see it right
here from the U.N.- it can be
pretty dry but anyone out there saying, “cmon Evil this stuff has
gotta be conspiracy theory bullshit” the proof is in the document!
Read the god damned thing. Watch the 3 part video, afraid your
perceptions might change? Good I hope so, be afraid but dont
let the fear control you, get mad and do something about it!!

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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