Thanks for tuning in and welcome to another installment of “The Last week or so in review” for May 14, 2013
the following stories from our various media, contributors and fellow researchers….
- China makes territorial claims on Okinawa! China has a real penchant for making “historical claims” on most of it’s neighbors. Just a small list of claims against countries that China feels are squatting on their territory: South Korea, Japan, India,Taiwan,Bhutan,Vietnam (in 1979 the Chinese got their asses handed to them),Japan,Philippines,Malaysia,Brunai,Benghazi.
Confirmed! Bilderberg 2013 to Take Place in Watford, UK
- FDA Shuts down LDS Canneries – Another step toward total food domination
Prepardness Pro does a very excellent article on this story here.
Damascus military facilities ‘hit by Israel rockets’ and the wires were burning this last while with folks claiming the Israeli’s nuked Damascus. The Nukes? Certified Bullshit.
How to zero a scope. Another excellent article from SHTF blog!
Kount Kreepy Blog: scary toys in the age of the atom “kids in the 50’s must have been pretty tough especially compared to today’s bubble wrap kids and their “helicopter parents“. They got to play outside with guns, chemistry sets and apparently radioactive materials. How did they ever survive!!”
Protests continue with NYC Stop and Frisk law
FRONTLINE: covers Top Secret America a 2 year study
Terrorism for Dummies- EvS edition. We give a quick summary to understand all that “terrorist” stuff.
FBI’s role in manufacturing terrorism. No surprise to our long time readers and contributors but I guess it’s just a “theory” until the mainstream news says it’s so.
Dyatlov Pass mystery solved? 9 people go into the hills in Russian and all die. Discover why this is still a mystery almost 50 years later and our solution to it!
78,000 people sign up for a one way ticket to Mars. Question is can I have your shit if you go? No really this is a real deal plan. Not unlike sending people to “The New World” a few hundred years ago. Sure you get to go to Mars but you’ll never be coming back.
US Department of Defense Trade Shuts Down Defense Distributed Wiki Gun Downloads. This is those guys who came up with the 3D printer handgun called “The Liberator” inspired by the WW2 design that was dropped into occupied Europe for resistance groups.With the power of the internet we found the plans available on Pirate Bay not even 48 hrs later, lmao.
thanks for tuning in. If you have something you want to share or have us promote your blog or site email us at