Not sure if banned is the correct term however this is a great video that tells it in easy to understand way, how jobs are really created and the truth about
rich people getting tax cuts to “create jobs”, the so called trickle down economics.

Yeah thats the zombie of Reaganomics to the left there. Getting a little tired of my fellow “Libertarians” worshiping and deifying him. He did nothing for anyone but the elites and was at the end of the day really a figurehead. He was an actor after all. But he did have an awesome haircut!

Now onto the 5 minute video that’s been stirring up a flap.

Now heres a clip of former Meryl-Lynch CEO telling R.Reagan to “speed it up”. WTF! yeah guess we know who the real power was!

Forbes of course is not amused, really if they thought Nick Hanauer was just shooting his mouth off why would they have bothered expending so much energy into slamming his 5 minutes of YouTube video into the ground? Dunno read and decide for yourself. Ive always been fond of the saying, “If your getting flak your over the target”. Sure Nick’s speech is simplified but really economics doesn’t have to be that difficult. If the last 20 years have been any indication so called “economists” and “experts” have done nothing but fuck up the economy. So when people challenge the “conventional wisdom” or start to get traction on populist ideas those with vested interests close ranks and try to belittle the idealist(s). Kind of put me in the mind of Henry Ford and “Fordism“, the idea that if workers were paid a good wage they would have more money to buy more products. Funny thing is though it worked! Ford’s idea helped to create a real economic middle class and helped get the industrial revolution kicked into high gear.

Nick has a part in the documentary film “Inequality for All.” It’s worth watching. Checked out his credentials, the guy has more money than most and is successful in business and investing. And he wasn’t a just got lucky guy. So he’s no idiot.

The math and history does not support claims that lower taxes create jobs. Im not a liberal or a democrat but bullshit is bullshit. I don’t care what stripes someone wears but when they start talking about trickle down or tax cuts creating jobs (for the top income “earners”) they are full of shit, either deliberatly misleading or simply parroting someone else’s crap!


The time has come to start realizing the economy is not a strange or sorcerous entity only understood by equally mysterious gurus and sages. Don’t buy into the shell game, do take a look behind the curtain and realize the Wizard is just a sad little man pulling levers. -Evil von Scarry

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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