(Re-edited 2023) I’ve learned quite a bit since 2011 lol. Most edits clear up spelling and I’ve provided more links. Also added some updates to bring article into modernity.

With all the vaccinations going on, there was some hubub on an ingredient called Thimerosol.

Well the problem is that Thimerosol is used as a preservative in many vaccines and it come from mercury. As many should know by now mercury causes brain and nerve damage. There are many scientists and doctors and health practitioners that have piles of evidence that mercury is bad for you. There are some that correlate link shots using this stuff to autism, the official position is that it does not. The counter argument is that it is a mercury derivative meaning that it is not the brain damaging mercury any longer but has become something else.

It seems that its only in North America that know one wants to know…… and the drug companies sure as hell don’t want you to know. Fun fact in a report of autism by an Amish community of 22,000 reported 4 cases of autism. (Most Amish do not get vaccinated at all.) Of those 4: 3 were vaccinated and 1 lived near a power plant with high levels of mercury in the area…. huh go figure! For those who like to see an altruistic view that the pharmaceutical industry is in the business of helping people you might want to give your head a shake. They are in the business of making money. If there’s a few lawsuites along the way so be it. The pay outs for damages are nowhere near the profit margin.

The U.N. backed away from an outright ban in 2013. So despite claims it’s been taken out of vaccines, for many of them it has not. Many of the various “flu-shots” DO contain thimerosal.

The following is an excerpt from an article on Natural News.com 
“The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child’s health

Just for perspective if we go back to 1971 up to 1980, we see that California consistently added 100 to 200 new cases a year; but in the year 2002, California added 3,577 new cases. Since 1980, the documented start of California’s autism epidemic, the number of new cases has steadily increased. If we break down those statistics it means that from 1994 to 1995, California only added on average 2 new autistic children a day into its system. In 2001, it was a rate of 8 new autistic children added a day; in 2002, it jumped up to 10 children a day. mercury-containing vaccines are still in use today, including the most recently recommended addition to the childhood immunization schedule, 2 shots of flu vaccine for infants, bringing the total number of vaccines up to 41 in California that a child will receive before the age of two. It will take a few years to start seeing the effect of the phasing out of the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from childhood vaccines on this autism epidemic. Many symptoms of autism are similar to those of mercury poisoning. Immune dysfunction, visual disturbances, and motor dysfunction are seen in both. Treating autistic children for removal of mercury and other heavy metals has shown significant improvement in their autistic symptoms. Most autistic individuals have poor liver detoxification, low antioxidant levels, and low levels of glutathione.
Building Wellness with DMG by Roger V Kendall PhD, page 105

Since the 1990s, there has been a tenfold or 1000-percent increase in autism, an increase which has been linked by some researchers to the organic mercury preservative commonly found in baby vaccines. A greatly increased incidence of juvenile diabetes has been correlated to specific vaccination sequences and to the number of vaccines given. In some Australian Aboriginal communities, every second child died shortly after vaccination.
The Natural Way to Heal by Walter Last, page 309

The best current estimates are that autism occurs in 40 to 67 children per 10,000 live births. This means that the prevalence of autism has increased 1,000 percent in the last decade. According to the latest figures just released in January 2003 by the California Department of Developmental Services, California experienced an astounding 31 percent increase in the number of new children…
Building Wellness with DMG by Roger V Kendall PhD, page 104″-end quote.

Granted Natural News I have found can be sensationalist but I’ll give em credit for digging up some stuff even if it’s cherry picking data to meet their own ideas.

I’m not an anti-vax guy. We’ve always had a minority of people who for health or religious reasons that didn’t take them. Almost as worrisome as the so called “anti-vaxxers” is the vitriol in the Covid-19 world of 2020-2023 of “pro-vaxxers”.

Their use of terms such as “vaccine deniers” etal is as bad as the rabid anti-vax types. What happened to “you do you”? It’s became a polarizing thing in the general public. Now that the Covid boogeyman is starting to fade there’s calls for a “pandemic amnesty“. Turns out “trust the science”, with it’s ever changing goal posts wasn’t 100% correct. Mistakes were made so when we were freaking out and wanting to kill you its over now, please forgive us… yeah fuck you!

The pro-vaccine crowd went full-on authoritarian and outright stomping on any evidence that went against their views.

The good news

Thimerosal after a shit ton of law suits has not proven to be a factor in autism.

There are plenty of vaccines that have proven safe and effective for the majority of recipients. There will always be that chance though of adverse or allergic reaction.

Putting things into perspective, food poisoning has a higher incidence rate of injury and death than most vaccine reactions.

“Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal. Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.” -CDC.

Thimerosal was removed from vaccines after an amendment to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Modernization Act was signed into law on Nov. 21, 1997.

The long and short of it, since 2011, in most of the world, Thimerosal is not a significant factor or a concern as it once was. Is it still around? Yes. Still used in some vaccines? Yes.

Of the most concern should be ones considered childhood vaccines, though it is not present in those.

One should always be vigilant and ask questions. Don’t blindly follow and “trust the science“. I’m all for science, it’s brought us improved life and living. It’s also brought us some incredible horrors.

Again though it’s necessarilly the science but who is using it!!

Thanks for tuning in!

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

5 thoughts on “Thimerosol …vaccines cause brain damage”
  1. You consume more mercury in a normal tuna fish sandwich then you get when you take a vaccine containing Thiomersal. The links between Thiomersal and Autism are at best correlate links and not causal. Dozens upon dozens of boards and committees have been formed to attempt to find a true causal link and all of them have failed to provide conclusive evidence pointing to a causal link. As well Thiomersal is not new and has been in use since the 1930’s. Your parents got it. You got it and up until recently kids got it.

    Diagnosis methods for autism have increased and improved in recent years and such many many more cases are being detected and treated as Autism.

    The available guidelines on safe levels of exposure to such compounds are based on the organo-
    mercury compound methylmercury and not ethylmercury(Thiomersal). Methylmercury is the form that may be in fish such as tuna and is ingested from the environment. The mercury in thiomersal is ethylmercury, a different chemical entirely. Thiomersal breaks down in the body to ethylmercury not methylmercury and there are important differences between these forms of mercury. There is good evidence from studies that both thiomersal and ethylmercury are less toxic than methylmercury, and are eliminated out of the body much faster than methylmercury, which can accumulate.

  2. Oh…and for all you tattoo’d folks. Thiomersal is quite a common additive to tattoo inks. It’s used for the same reasons that it’s used in vaccines – to prevent infections.

  3. That should be good for now Vern, we thank you for showing the flip side of the coin in the Thimerosol debate. I only hope we can get you on here for the upcoming UFO and Bigfoot stuff, lol. There ya go folks if doesnt matter if you agree with us or not, it only matters that you HAVE an opinion!! We dont censor any replys or feedback unless its condescending to contributors or any kind of flame war stuff and the odvious antagonist ( only we do the antagonizing here lmao. ) Keep em coming everyone we appreciate all sides and opinions. Thanks again Vern for your contributions. -EvS

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