Disclaimer: I am a responsible firearms owner and am pro responsible firearms ownership. That also includes criminal background checks, training, etc.

I’m not a U.S. citizen, so not claiming a 2A stance. If I was though I’d be all for it.

Mostly I will be using Canadian stats but there will be U.S. stats as well.

This article is in response to the attacks against firearms owners by various governments, especially in Canada and in the U.S. lately.

The absolute bullshit I’ve seen on the news, cspan and public access tv of various government officials bald face lying and if not lying clearly having

zero clue about anything firearms related is getting worse by the day.

Warning: In this article I am going to be a little crass and not entirely polite.


Recently there’s been an exposure of the Canadian federal government’s plans to start their gun confiscation on the small Canadian province of P.E.I.(Prince Edward Island) as a test roll out before going across the country.

Note: recently after the PEI plan was revealed the Canadian federal government has since dropped their plan to go after PEI first.

I initially heard then read about this in a few of the fringe publications but then went straight to the horse’s mouth (ass in this case) and here’s the link to the government web-page.

I’m going to dispel some of that bullshit and give you some facts. Firearm-related violent crime represents a small proportion of police-reported violent crime in Canada, accounting for 2.8% of all victims of violent crime reported by police in 2020. 

So for those who said things like, “their not coming for your guns“, ARE FUCKING WRONG. Yeah they fucking are. Sad to say but true.




Statistics and damned lies or something something. Many so called gun laws are always pitched to appeal to emotion. Worse they are misleading at best, propaganda at worst. When it’s an agenda facts don’t matter.


Putting things into perspective: the following kill and injure way more people than guns

Poor eating habits: Obesity which leads to heart disease etc. Processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, lead in the water, saminila etc, etc. Fun fact: food poisoning has killed about the same amount of people as guns.

Alcohol: I’m not against drinking at all, just hypocrisy. The government makes more money from alcohol than guns. In Canada the direct mortality from alcohol is more than 10X that of guns.

For the U.S. readers here’s an info-graphic video showing the likeliest of deaths. Guns are about 0.5% despite what the news sells you. And yeah its a fact that hands,feet etc kill more people than guns in the U.S.  Your more likely to get killed in a fist fight than a gun fight.


Drug related deaths-overdoses: take a fucking back seat guns, the reaper likes drug users. Keep in mind most gun deaths also relate to criminal drug trafficking.

Car crash fatalities-aka deaths: by August of 2022 and only in Ontario (never mind 9 other provinces and 3 territories) car crash fatalities had already beaten gun deaths. In California alone you have an 8% chance of dying in a car crash!! That’s 16X more likely than guns. In Canada (2020 stats) your about 500% more likely to die in a car crash than guns.

Moose (aka swamp donkey) still kill more people than licensed gun owners: haven’t heard any screaming about the moose menace in parliament yet……..

Drowning: still more likely to drown than die in a shootout.

Falling off ladders or from other heights: also poisoning and other industrial accidents still more dangerous than guns.


At the end of the day there is a metric shit ton of things people should be more scared of than guns, one of them being non gun owning citizens!!

I’m not suggesting we start registering non-gun owners but the fact is that those who are not licensed gun owners are 300% more likely to commit crime should concern us all! The actual stat is -“Canadians who have a firearms licence are less than one-third as likely to commit murder as other Canadians (Mauser 2012).” See what I did there? This is how stats get manipulated to create spin.

Licensed firearms owners are less likely to commit murder (1/3 as likely) than their fellow citizens (3 times as likely). To make sure we all understand that: A non gun owning citizen is 3 times more likely to murder someone than I am being a gun owner.

Does that put some things into perspective for the anti-gun folks? Oddly enough I should be more afraid of people who don’t own guns. They (statistically) are more dangerous, likely to commit murder and commit more crimes. Kind of turns the perspective around doesn’t it?!

Canadian gun owners are the most vetted citizens in Canada. Canadian firearms license holders (R/PAL) are subject to Continuous Eligibility Screening. Their profile is run automatically through the CPIC on a regular interval. The so called “Red Flag Laws” that the current government likes to say they are going to use (or try to use as a wedge issue later) are already and have already been in place. Yet repeat criminal gang members with repeat weapons charges continuously get off the hook. Clearly the whole “public safety” angle is bullshit. Just type in “gun charges dropped (your nearest city)” and you may (or not be) surprised. It really is endemic in Canada and the U.S.

First of all who the hell am I to dispute lawyers, politicians, news people, etc?

I’ve been a recreational and professional shooter my entire adult life, I’m 50 now. I’m an army veteran of 12 years and part of that time was as a weapons instructor. I have used a lot of different weapons from 9mm handguns up to 155mm howitzers, mortars, rockets launchers and weapons systems from around the world.

Clearly banning firearms is an agenda. I remember when it was a popular thing for liberal’s to say, “no one is coming to take your guns” and implying that anyone who thought so was a paranoid conspiracy kook. Yet though, various laws get passed, further eroding firearms rights and access. Slowly its comes down to outright confiscation and banning of firearms. Even “hunting” firearms.

For those “only the police and military should have guns” types- maybe listen to what the police are saying. A ban won’t change anything! 

Gun confiscation is also an attack on private property. Next up will be taking your car or suv in the name of the environment. Maybe your boat or atv, “nobody needs to own an ATV“, and if you have a gas guzzling RV….. probably banned unless your one of the elite.

So yeah ….. they ARE coming for your guns. Despite all of the denials, then back tracking, then doubling down they are coming for your guns. And fucking pellet rifles. I wish I was fucking kidding.

In Canada it started with an AR (ArmaLite Rifle) ban, then soon after a handgun freeze (on sales and transfers) then the government went for certain semi autos with an amendment to Bill-C21. But once the dust settled or appeared to have, the ruling Liberal party snuck in one last amendment with zero debate or oversight. They underhandedly went for a huge wide cutting ban, even banning .22 rifles and what could only be used for hunting rifles.

Before anyone thinks I’m a shill for the “gun lobby” , still waiting for my free guns and fat cheque…hello? Gun lobby? Shilling over here!!

I’m a practising anarchy-syndicalist who is active in union labour and action. A member of our EvS team, Ange, says, “If you go far enough left, your get your guns back”. Problem is though too many  cherry pick Marx. In the righteous zeal of being atheist marxists, some of them act like the religiously devout they despise and just ignore what they don’t like in their own dogma.

The Liberal government likes to make a lot of political hay on the so called “gun lobby” in Canada but it pales in comparison to most “lobbies”.

Reality is that the Canadian gun market is a drop in the bucket for North America: which is why there is almost zero push-back about Bill-C21 from firearms manufacturers. Operations and the actual market in Canada is insignificant for them.

Many Canadians, especially the urban ones, may be surprised to know that there are about 3 million Canadians who own firearms. In Canada that seems like a big deal. Overall it literally means nothing to the U.S. market.

Most large scale firearms manufacturing is done in the United States. Which is why I find it incredibly amusing that any anti-gun people would even consider that there is such a creature as the “Canadian Gun Lobby”. Closest thing here to that would be maybe the CCFR combined with various hunter/conservation groups.

These groups are the farthest thing from the NRA.  Canadian anti-gun people think that any Canadian pro gun group is “Canadian NRA” and try to paint Canadian pro gun groups in the same light. It’s a very ill-fit. For starters NRA is only for Americans and lobbies on their behalf. Their efforts and focus is on U.S. laws and politics. There is NO SUCH THING AS A CANADIAN NRA branch. The big boogey man of the “Canadian Gun Lobby” turns out to be pretty much a few individuals, hardly an insidious force as played out on anti-gun platforms. Don’t take my word for it, here’s a link and reports for lobbyists to the Canadian Federal Government.

Using data from the latest RAND study, if Canada were a U.S. state it would actually have one the LOWEST rates of firearms ownership, comparing actual firearms owned and factored for population. Canada and California have about the same size population and similar rate of LEGAL firearms ownership.

California is a real pain in the ass to deal with, sort of like Canada. Canada is NOT a priority for the “gun lobby”. Ask anyone who owns guns and does sport shooting,hunting or reloading. Ask them if the prices they pay for guns, ammunition, parts etc makes them feel like they are even remotely considered. Or how often you order something and literally wait weeks and months for it to arrive, if you can actually get it sent here. The Canadian market is an afterthought and backwater for the gun market.

Most of the Canadian anti-gun crowd take their cues from their U.S. counterparts. That includes all of the propaganda and outright ignorance that comes along with it. There is no “how does this change in Canada or does it even apply here?”.  That question is never asked. With the zeal of the fanatic, the anti-gun types charge out spewing on about all the sins of the U.S. and just think it applies here.

Dear Anti-Gun folks. Do some research. Actually stop and make sure you know what the hell your talking about. 99.9% of you don’t and immediately look ignorant and foolish to those that do understand firearms. Oh and a fun fact: Gun Control is literally racist, racist results and literally came about as a racist policy.

Oooof…. betcha that took some of the wind out of those self righteous sails eh? Maybe. Fanatics, like psychopaths have no concept of being in the wrong. Don’t take my word for it. There’s plenty of police statements including one from the National Police Federation (Canada) that says a ban will do nothing. Tell me how the gun ban isn’t an agenda when there is zero concern about costs and ignoring all of the various police groups and unions?

My take on the whole thing: If your a responsible adult, mentally competent and can pass a criminal background check I see no reason that with some training, licensing and safety guidelines that you shouldn’t be able to enjoy the use of firearms for sports shooting and hunting.

When I don’t like something that others might do or even marginally disagree with, like Starbucks or gender reassignment surgery or use drugs, I don’t try telling them that they can’t do that or try to restrict or ban their choices. I can easily mind my own fucking business and not interfere with their freedoms.

Banning Firearms and “gun control” adversely effects Indigenous populations and minorities.  One quick look on when the U.S. Black Panther movement exercised their Constitutional rights and open carried their firearms (in response to police brutality) the government did everything in it’s power to demonize, segregate and divide them. For you Ronald Reagan being the paragon of freedom types— he was an asshole that drove down the working man for his rich asshole friends and tried to take away firearms rights. Looks up the Mulford Act! Ronnie signed that shit!

When the Zapatistas in Mexico armed themselves Jan 01, 1994 to protect their Native way of life and farming against NAFTA the government came down on them and then later increased gun control measures to make sure they could never be able to arm themselves.

In Canada there have been various First Nations protests and occupations where when the protesters were armed (Oka) the police forces backed off but when they weren’t the got steam rolled.

In South Dakota there were initially armed protesters and the private security goons backed off on the ramming a pipeline on tribal land for the Keystone pipeline ,the one that keeps leaking and killing the water. Worried about optics it was decided to keep the protest peaceful and unarmed. What came next was cracking skulls and tear gas. Starting to see a pattern yet?

It’s really a social problem when it comes to “gun crimes”. Plenty of other countries around the world where citizens can and do own all sorts of firearms, including fully automatic rifles and have very low firearms related crime (such as Switzerland, Serbia, Czech Republic, etc). Even in countries where there is no private ownership of firearms there is incredibly violent crimes, murders and gangs (Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Mexico for example).

Of interest, especially during the Trump administration, there was an “increase” of armed protesters. The narrative is “mostly right wing militants“. Yet we had CHAZ/CHOP and the ill-fated NFAC who proved more dangerous to themselves than anyone else.

Military Grade Weapons

This is a debunked propaganda term anti-gun people love to throw around alongside “assault-style weapons” but you can never get them to give you an actual definition other than an emotive one or and is what in legalize is called “a term of art“. It has no actual legal basis but you will see it in legislation. Greasy eh? Sporter and hunting rifle are not military grade. They are finicky and cant take anywhere near the abuse ACTUAL military firearms can. For example an infantryman could smash an enemy in the face with their service rifle or drop it and still expect to be able to fire it. I could not expect the same from a sporter rifle. A loose standard for military firearms is the ability to put 10,000 rounds through it before a failure. The sporter and hunting rifles are nowhere near that stringent for standards. And as previously mentioned civilian rifles don’t have the ability for full automatic fire.

Bloke on the Range is a Brit who lives in Switzerland and is a regular sports shooter. He busts the (in)famous Daily Show segment on Swiss firearms laws:

Just as there are non gun countries with low crime, usually dictatorships like China or Iran. So….. does that mean, to reduce gun crime, we should emulate Communist China or Theocratic Iran?  Of course not, that would be idiotic…. like blaming crimes on inanimate objects instead of the criminals that actually do crimes?

There’s only one reason a government doesn’t trust it’s citizens to own firearms and that’s because it wants control/peasants. Easily controlled and compliant with no way to rise up no matter how totalitarian the government gets.

The following vid is pretty short. Firearms expert, Jerry Miculek, debunks quite a few claims that get thrown out there as facts.

There is literally no shortage of idiotic claims made by the anti-gun lobby and politicians.

For any non gun types lets break down that claim. He is saying that it is capable of firing 3600 rounds (bullets) per second. I will try my best to be not nit picky on the nomenclature such as clip and magazine. For those that don’t know they are very different things. One of the first dead giveaways that you don’t know jack shit is calling a magazine a clip.

He is literally claiming that the so called “GHOST GUN” he is holding is capable of firing more rounds that the gattling guns on a fighter jet or anti missile defence system.

I’ll make this one easy, HE IS FULL OF SHIT. To do so would actually bend the rules of time and space not to mention thermo-dynamics. It helps if you understand some of the sciences and want to get into guns. That Ghost Gun would actually rewrite physics as we know it.

To get that kind of speed of bullet dispersal aka “cyclic rate” that Senator Kevin de Leon (aka the most gun ignorant man in the world) is claiming  you would need a gattling gun”. The barrel on that firearm would literally melt off before it got to that point. And as a bonus point of interest that is NOT a 30 calibre, its .223/5.56mm. So he is literally wrong in EVERY regard.

Here is an M-134 Mini-gun (aka gattling gun) that does fire about that cyclic rate. This vid is presented by who we call “Gun Jesus”. He does NOT refer to himself as that, the gun community gave him that handle he calls himself Ian McCallum. Probably one of the more knowledgeable firearm historians out there.

Here is a small example of idiotic claims from people whom you might consider “authorities” such as news anchors and politicians.

I knew a lawyer who actually has prosecuted some cases involving guns but when it came down to brass tacks he didn’t understand firearms anymore than anyone else not into guns. To be fair that lawyer is a whiz at trial and procedures but I could rip him a new one on gun knowledge and I have to his chagrin.

The following video is illustrative of gun ignorance: I really wish they broke it down by example but I will lay em out below in quick format:

10/ Joe can’t promise you shit. Why? Because he has no idea of what the fuck he is talking about when it comes to guns. Luckily for him he has a security detail that worries about that for him. In reality shotguns require more skill to use as they are actually HARDER to use than rifles in every way.

9/5 shot standard military rifle? WTF? In what fucking century was that? This guy is an idiot. This magical clip and pin and whatever he is going on about is complete nonsense. Problem is the interviewer has no clue either.

8/ Pistol grips and barrel shrouds don’t change bullet velocity or how fast a gun can shoot. Primary purpose of a  barrel shroud protects your hand from being burned on a hot barrel. That’s it. The claim about gangs and police officers is more hyperbole. Gangs kill each other more than they ever do kill cops. Gangs also don’t use legal guns and could give a shit what you ban, btw they prefer handguns primarily. Easier to smuggle and hide.  Really good example though that video clip in that the senator admits that she doesn’t understand what a barrel shroud is but wants to ban it under the bill.

7/Pretty clear he doesn’t want to let facts get in the way and that it is about disarmament.

6/I really love that whole “you cant use this for hunting” statement. Usually given by people who have no clue about guns or hunting. For the most part parroted like a mantra without ever questioning it. You can literally shot wild hogs with a .22. I wouldn’t use that small of a calibre myself but that’s my choice. Hogs I think a .223/5.56mm (the evil AR-15 round!!) is a good round for its characteristics and performance. That “heat seeking device” claim is laughable and PURE BULLSHIT. why? It just doesn’t exist in reality.

5/ If I have to break down that claim then just close the player and browser and please stop breeding. Stupidity is apparently contagious. But seriously hunting humans is illegal outside of certain police actions and armed conflicts.

4/Seeing some of these claims on everyday TV I really wonder who the ignorance is aimed at? I’d like to think our fellow citizens are rational and intelligent but I’ve seen too much of the world that contradicts that hopefulness. Give that an objective thought for all of about 2 seconds. “There’s been a lot of people who have been shot by an unloaded gun“. Fucking GHOST BULLETS are gonna getcha!! Haunted Guns will kill you!!

3/ Don Lemon(CNN) has been nailed countless times either lying or making unfounded claims. The whole “anyone can go out and buy an automatic weapon“. Implication is the gun stores are death centres waiting to sell heat seeking bullets and fully automatic guns to 12 year olds. Fucking moral panic much? Same assholes who cried about Dungeons and Dragons or that rap music will turn your children into drug dealing rapists and heavy metal is devil worship. Probably why there are fewer people who legally own guns than don’t. The majority are clearly idiots. Clearly that’s what the news agencies seem to think of their viewers. One of my favourite actors (Morgan Freeman) politely schooled Don a few years back when he was trying to spread misinformation and create racial division. His claim of being able to “buy an automatic weapon” is again PURE BULLSHIT.

2/ Just fucking wow! Another idiot who has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

1/ And were back to Senator Kevin De Leon, who’s ignorance was previously highlighted.

In even more idiocracy, this Red Ryder BB Gun will be banned if Bill C-21 passes. This is literally how ridiculous our current (Canadian) government is being. It falls under the “reproduction” clause and velocity clauses which also effects air soft rifles.

The furniture ie what holds the barrel, action and trigger together doesn’t make any gun more or less dangerous than ones that “look like hunting rifles”. Does buying after market kits for your car or truck body make it more dangerous? No it doesn’t. Guns are no different. Aside from ergonomics they still fire the same velocity and same bullet characteristics, etc. The Remington Model 700 is pretty much the Cadillac for .308 bolt action rifles. Also has a very wide range of variations on stocks (aka the wood vs plastic or metal bodies). But at the end of the day they are all the same bolt action rifle, same barrel, action, etc. Having a spoiler on your Honda doesn’t make it a new car, lol.

I need to call complete and utter BULLSHIT on the whole “military style assault weapons“. First of all actual military “assault rifles” are capable of fully automatic fire and have a selector switch for semi, some have burst and full auto. Firearms you can buy in a store DO NOT HAVE THAT FEATURE. Real assault rifles (aka capable of full auto) have been Prohibited in Canada since the 70s. Also the bullshit that you can’t hunt with “those types of firearms” is patently untrue and one of the biggest lies ever told by anti-gun people. Yeah you fucking can and probably should.

The whole concept of “the government will buy them back” is another red herring. Nobody I know ever bought guns from the government. How can they “buy back” something they NEVER SOLD? The underlying implication is control and the authority they are asserting over you. How the current Canadian government could afford to compensate firearms owners for the arbitrary confiscation of private property is beyond me.

Guns aren’t cheap. That’s why on the criminal side it’s only drug dealers for the most part that can afford them. Simple economics destroys the anti-gun narrative of going in a back alley and paying $200 for a gun. For anyone who owns and has paid for their own guns the concept is laughable.

The “straw purchase”: putting aside U.S. laws (that also vary state to state) if you straw purchase or sell in Canada, then your a criminal.

Back to reality: the way that licensing works in Canada, I have an extremely hard time believing that a restricted license holder would sell guns to a criminal. Restricted firearms have the serial number recorded and particulars of the gun recorded and registered with the RCMP. Not to mention having to apply for an ATT (authorization to transport) which the being able to legally move it from your residence to another spot like a shooting range. Why someone would sell a gun to a criminal that is 100% traceable to themselves is beyond me. It could theoretically happen but why in the hell would you? If your a criminal why would you buy a registered firearm?

Police lose more firearms than the general public: this one is for those “useful idiots” who like to shit talk, “only the police and military should have guns“. Wait weren’t you saying 5 fucking minutes ago defund the police or that the army is bad or something? Pick a lane hippie. Turns out the “authorities” are actually less trust worthy in keeping their firearms safe from loss or theft than the general public. The mentality of only arming your potential oppressors has always confused me. Do these people just want free arm bands or is it an appeal to authority thing?

September 22, 2010 Justin Trudeau met with protesters against the gun registry continuation (the registry was one of the larger boondoggles and mismanagement of tax payer money in awhile) and gave a nice blurb about how we’re all paranoid and no one is coming to take your guns. Big turn around. But not so big when you realize this guy has lied continuously for years. At the 2 minute mark listen and listen well! The sound just before he starts to pontificate is low quality till he gets his soundbite moment.

This is an (adult size) Red Ryder BB Gun. Under Canada’s Bill C-21 it will

also be banned along with airsoft guns, that fire plastic pellets.

My best guess is in banning pellet guns and airsoft ,the control freaks

aka the authoritarians are playing the long game.

Eventually little Susie and Johnny won’t even know what a squirt gun is and will be compliant and

obedient little drones with no thoughts of uprisings or disobedience while their social betters keep stepping on

their necks.


More recent video of PM Justin Trudeau in a news segment while doing a tour of a grocery store.

-On a side note I find the more out of touch a politician is with the masses the more his handlers try to get him in a grocery store to be more in touch with the regular people. George Bush Jr. tried that one before.-

Pay attention to him trying to take credit for “banning assault weapons“.  The PM is a year older than me. He was in fucking grade school when that ban was already in place but he is trying to take credit for it.

Youtuber Colion Noir is a pro gun guy and lawyer from the U.S.

He does however emphasize that responsible gun owners should seek to continuously improve their skills and continue to train. He is a proponent of safety and responsibility. He is also a don’t fuck with my rights kind of guy but likes to educate people. This video he breaks down the current Canadian Prime Ministers clumsy and ham-handed gun banning.

(The shirt Colion has on is Canadian but he is in the States.)

From “Arming and Disarming: A History of Gun Control in Canada”(page 6/7): “…there exists a surprisingly long history of gun regulation in Canada. Firearms Laws predate Confederation; in fact, they date from the beginnings of a European presence in what would become British North America. The earliest laws attempted to limit Aboriginal People’s access to guns. Attempts to prevent the arming of Native Peoples points to another core argument: legislators frequently passed gun laws meant to particular ethnic,racial,or political groups deemed suspicious. At various times, legislators have, to choose a few examples, created laws to disarm Irish labourers, Aboriginal Peoples,immigrants,and alleged Bolsheviks. Fear has thus motivated much of Canada’s firearm legislation-politicians invoked racist,ethnocentric, and xenophobic rationales for gun control.” -end quote.

Doesn’t sound all that different from what were seeing today either in Canada or the U.S. or what we see abroad. Pretty much boils down to the government becomes afraid of the people for whatever reason and want’s to tighten down the screws, usually through increased surveillance, gun control or other methods.

I heard a soundbite from Justin Trudeau mentioning “weapons of war when talking about gun control.

My first thought is how in the hell he thinks sports rifles are “weapons of war”. Then I recalled that being a phrase from something back when. He usually stuck with the “assault style weapons” bit so this was a new one. Bit of google-fu and I came up with it. “In the sixth century BC, the Persian king Cyrus the Great asked his new adviser—the defeated King Croesus of Lydia—how to stop the Lydian people from revolting. Cyrus wanted to know how to control a population, not an insignificant concern for a monarch. According to Herodotus, Croesus advised that the people should not be allowed to possess “weapons of war” and that they instead should “instruct their sons to play the lyre, sing, and sell things.” Cyrus was persuaded, he ordered the confiscation of the people’s arms, and, as Herodotus reports, “the Lydians altered their whole way of life.”

If these gun control and bans were really about keeping anyone safe then why isn’t alcohol banned? Kills incredibly more people than guns do. Well they make money on that and they tried that before, it just increased the violence.

If your someone who doesn’t like guns that’s fine by me. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But why should your dislike or fears interfere in my life, traditions and ability to put food on my table? Is it an urban/rural divide? Why are you afraid of people who own and use guns? We’re 300% LESS LIKELY to be murderers than non-licensed non gun owning citizens.

The $64,000 question for me is, “why is the current government scared of citizens owning guns?”

Thanks for tuning in!

Update: The Canadian government has dropped the amendments to C-21 . Some heavy hitting testimony from SECU Meeting 57 from about 1hr 13min mark with testimony from OFAH Mark Ryckman and Dr. Caillin Langmann after that.

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

6 thoughts on “Dispelling Anti-Gun myths and yes (in Canada) they ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS!”
  1. Well written and informed post. Got some useful statistics and facts that people should read up on before making claims on bill c-21.

  2. Well thought out and written. Some good facts and talking points. Especially Mr. Mouser’s moose stats! I always love using that one.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Beautifully written!! As a former land weapons technician (I fixed guns for the army) of 13 years, and an instructor for a military contractor dealing with REAL weapons of war for another 8 years, this liberal government has no idea of what they are claiming they want to ban. They have made up scary words for the uneducated to jump to their side. Honestly, I believe this bill could be considered void just based on the terms they have put in. “Military Style Assault Weapons”?? What the actual hell are those. I regularly wear boots that look like they are military, and if I was to kick someone (assault) they could be considered a weapon. So does that make my boots “military style assault weapons”? Or did I just kick a dumbass with comfy boots on?? Despite having played with actual military “weapons” for the better part of 20 years of my life, I personally do not own any myself. Why? Because I just didn’t care to. With that said, and like Evil said, I fully support the right for properly trained and licensed people to own as many firearms as they want. Hell, if you can prove that you are trained and licensed for a howitzer, put it on your front lawn.

    Let’s also quickly cover the term weapon. The liberal government wants to ban weapons. Well everything on their list is a firearm, not a weapon!! A firearm doesn’t become a weapon until used as one. If these politicians want to ban something, maybe it should be “liberal terminology”, because what they are demanding to be banned just doesn’t exist.

    I ride a motorcycle and drive a vehicle that can easily hit some pretty high speeds. Will these be banned soon? The speed limit is 110kph at most through out Canada. Why would I need a vehicle that can go faster than the speed limit? Here is the thing. I may not need a vehicle to go faster than the limit, but I want it, and that’s my right. When the government starts telling you what you can and can’t have, thats when there is a problem.

    It will be interesting to see what happens as the confiscation of these firearms begins. While I do not condone violence, and wish no ill will on anyone having to try and confiscate these firearms, I will be entirely shocked if it all goes “smoothly” for them. Maybe the PM could go door to door to confiscate and explain why he is doing it?

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