Welcome to another installment of the Last Week or so in review.( a few weeks in this case sorry. been a bought of sickness in the household last few weeks). Here is a quick summary of articles submitted through our various media. The big issues the last few weeks has been the steamroller of anti gun propaganda. -EvS

1/ Carolyn Grudger ( a school resources officer) holds gunman at bay and prevents another school shooting. Mainstream media of course misses the story. Like many unsung everyday hero’s it’s not in fitting with the anti-gun agenda to show cases where having guns prevents crime.

2/ Smart critique of the show called the “Young Turks” that also jumped into the anti gun debate. As an important note the narrator has no horse in the debate other than keeping the to truth and common sense (something in serious short supply these days!) as he is not a gun owner.  This video is really good a refuting the propaganda.

3/ John Cozzoli sent us a

“> really interesting article and video on just how easy it is to break into hotel rooms!

4/ Idle No More movement 
has captured the attention of activists, natives and skeptics alike. There’s been a lot of flak from both pro and con but regardless of how one looks at the issues the  current treaties with Native Americans in Canada and the United States need a serious overhaul!

5/Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Confirmed by Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False Flag Operation. 

“Once again a government-funded mock emergency drill was being conducted at a nearby local school at the very same time the supposed realtime shooting was taking place at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut – leaving all the fingerprints of a government staged false flag event to strip guns from the American people.”

6/ Nanotechnology, Show on Orion magazine online.  

We participate in online discussion panel hosted by Orion magazine on Nanotechnology.

7/ 3-D Printer can make high cap magazines and lower receivers.
Texas not for profit group makes its files available to the public for free! Get me while you can.

8/ Gotham map maker killed in car crash
in connection with the Sanday Hook shooting and other shootings as alleged were predicted in the most recent bat man movie. Thanks to George over at Conspiracy Cafe who is doggedly chasing this story down!

9/ Evil Von Scarry Blog “Where is Mali and why should I care?” 
dont say we didnt tell you so, lol. This story is gaining legs.

10/ The return of Privateers on the High Seas?
Entrepreneur to create private naval security fleet to fight pirates! 


By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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