(image from ZoSo’s Page -12160 http://snardfarker.ning.com/profile/ZoSo)

So when did the American dream turn into the American Nightmare?

When did America ,looked on by millions as the best hope of freedom and leader of ideals become the feared and loathed country?

I’ll break it down into crayon as the subject itself could easily (and has) filled many books. This may seem more like a rant than academic but its been on my brain today and this gives me a good outlet, lol.

How did this come to be? Mostly APATHY and good ole GREED. The general populace or John (or Jane) Q. Public got complacent and let others do the thinking for them. So in steps people who are willing to let their will be done and have no problems thinking for others. Just don’t expect them to have the interests of others at heart. In defense for the devil as it were, the power elites can realistically only relate to their own upbringing and sense of entitlements. When you grow up in a corporatist environment with servants and staff to do your menial work and not having a concept of bill’s or a mortgage how can you possibly understand the needs of the general populace. Truth is you can’t.

For myself I am apolitical, I don’t support or endorse any “party” which a “party” in itself is anathema to getting anything actually accomplished as there will always be the party line or agenda. When voting for anyone one should ask ( assuming your not one of the power elites),” did this person work for a living? Have they ever had to pay a mortgage or know what it was to go without or have for need of anything?” Chances are with most of the electoral choices out there today the answer is no.

So most politicians will cater to what they understand and have grown up with , corporations and the interests of the power elites as that is what they know. That’s why it really doesn’t matter who you vote for in terms of Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative. As long as its a “party” you as the “unwashed masses” aren’t invited. Your seen as more of an inconvenience that has to be dealt with every few years and then promptly ignored afterward. Most Americans believed that they lived in the best place in the world and enjoyed freedom and for awhile they were right.

Going back in American history things were going pretty well up to the American Civil War ( which banking influence fanned the flames) or War of Northern Aggression depending on what side of the Mason Dixon you hail from. America was primarily an agricultural power and just starting to become industrialized. Also hand in hand the bankers were starting to creep in again after getting knocked back by the likes of Andrew Jackson to which bankers later engineered an economic depression. Lincoln fought the banks and we know what happened to him. Later with power elites coming in foreign policy gravitated to controlling food production and with all of the fighting that went on with that in the Central American areas. Look to Smedley P.Butler “War is a racket” for more info on that.

Then about the late 1800’s after industrialization America moved more into the armaments industry and the focus of foreign policy became to start wars, sell to both sides and then broker the peace deals. Again not a reflection of “We the People” but of the elites who really run the show. It was also about this time that the heavy hitters of banking and world intrigue (power politics- the real powers behind the throne as it were) came in for round 2 of the take over ( the first time being sent packing by Andrew Jackson) and after making sure President Lincoln was out of the way for making interest free U.S. notes. It was the early 1900’s when the armaments industry moved into private hands and interests. Also of note many historians peg the start of “American Imperialism” to the Spanish-American War of 1898.

From Wikipedia-

[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benign’ sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.[5]

—John Quincy Adams, US House, 7/4/1821

Well Quincy must be rolling in his grave these days as those high minded ideals are completely gone now. With the Rothschild’s and their agents in firm control of the levers of power ( also creating the CFR circa 1919). It is in conflict and the creation of conflict that the Rothschild banking family have made their money and power, the power created by putting countries into debt.

Along with centralization of power in the form of money, laws, state’s rights, education became the next thing to be usurped in this time frame of the late 1800’s. Essentially the likes of the Carnegie Corporation and Ford Foundations wanted people in America to be just educated enough to run the machinery in the factories and pay taxes but not smart enough to actually participate in running the country.

So the aforementioned APATHY ( when it comes to politics or thinking on higher levels) is not entirely our fault, it’s been pounded into our heads from birth, espoused through television and school programing. Most American’s historically have been non-interventionist ( in crayon meaning minding our own business) and have only gotten dragged into foreign conflicts through the manipulation of the power elites. The staying out of European problems and games as warned of by the founding fathers kept America safe for awhile until the take over of the banksters who don’t make money from peaceful self sufficient people’s.

Fast forwarding a bit to the 1950’s America is riding high on its place as the big kid on the block, its lands relatively unscathed from the war whereas the rest of the world was still in ruins from WW2. The powers that be cant make money from peace so in comes “The Cold War” where the planet essentially is continually in a war economy and footing and going into debt to maintain a war readiness. To keep the everyone scared there needs to be an enemy. This tactic is as old governments, give the people something to fear and they will give the powers that be whatever they want to “protect them”. So when the Russians could no longer afford the game and decided to stop playing Cold War, the banksters again needed an enemy.

In comes “terrorism”, not that it hadn’t been there before it just didn’t get the same press it does today. And for good reason, the chances of you getting struck by lightening were greater ( and still are!!) than getting killed in a terrorist incident. And like lightening, precautions can be taken and can be avoided without costing you a dime really. But that doesn’t sell. After the fall of the U.S.S.R. nobody wanted to play the game anymore, except maybe North Korea and even then who knows with them really? Defense budgets ( and “Intelligence”) budgets around the world were being slashed, countries were getting out of debt. People were starting to take an interest in how their governments were run again and God forbid started thinking that they could actually have a say!! They were starting to shake off the APATHY and educate themselves. The peasants might actually realize that they have been had and start to take power back. The elite were not pleased. In the early 90’s one can find many articles from CFR and other think tank groups speaking of the “growing spectre” of terrorism.

Keep in mind there was actually a decrease in terrorist incidents since the early 1980’s. But a non fearful people aren’t easily controlled and the power elite’s don’t feel like sharing. Would you suddenly let your pet dog start having a say in the house just because it learned to talk? Weird I know but would you? After all it’s just a dog and it’s your house. The elite don’t see the general public any differently. Your handy to have around, willing to eat the scraps and will die for your master when ordered to do so and protect the house. So they needed to bring back the fear as they can’t get the dogs to stop talking or demanding things.

This fear which if one is scared for long enough creates APATHY and back to status quo for the elites. Just take a good look at the Soviet states back in the Cold War ( and Maoist China for that matter). The people became so afraid (mostly of the state) that apathy took over and they became compliant cows. The old boogeyman was the Commies and now someone in an imaginary cave somewhere with an AK can defeat a country of about 300 million and the most advanced military in the world, bullshit. It’s a just a big con. This kind of treatment started the American Revolution ( and other revolutions the world over), so when’s the tipping point? Can America be fixed? Is it too late to take back the power….. did we ever have it to begin with? Food for thought.

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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