In reflection and in the spirit of Remembrance Day is Europe any freer today than it was during World War II?
 It would seem that a dictatorship by stealth has taken over Europe in the form of the European Union. Nations hand over their sovereignty to autocrats making decisions not for the people but for the banks and corporations while the regular people toil for the elite who were not elected but
  chosen by their faith to the EU not to any kind of loyalty or representation to their constituents!

Vladimir Bukovsky a former Soviet dissident was one of many ringing the alarm bells in 2006 that the EU was a monster that must be destroyed before it became a full fledged totalitarian state.
In Italy the PM  (Berlusconi) resigned a few days ago, not because the people wanted him gone but because the day before he announced his resignation he had said that the Italian people had become more impoverished since the introduction of the European Currency. Next day he announces resignation. Cant have that. So we know he got the squeeze.

The Greek PM was going to resign as well , he had announced that he would hold a referendum and resign before taking another bailout from the EU. Then he backslides on both!Didn’t help him as he’s gone (George A Papendreou) at the time of this writing and a new guy named Lucas Papademos is officially in as the interim PM. Of interest he was the former Governor of the Greek Bank from 1994 to 2002 when he left that position to be the VP of the European Central Bank from 2002-2010. He left that sport to become adviser to Papendreou, lol. You cant make this shit up folks!

And in comes the so called “Stability Union” of the EU (brought in November 1st , 2011). The long story short is that now countries (excluding U.K. as they still have their own currency) in the EU no longer have the authority to approve budgets in their own countries! Budgets will be under control of the European Parliament. The elected leaders of countries in the EU will NOT be able to decide taxation or spending as that will be decided by unelected autocrats. THAT MEANS DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE IS OFFICIALLY DEAD! Long live European Neo Feudalism! It will be the Fourth Reich as outlined in the Red House Report. Yup that’s right kids, the ole Nazi’s had this whole EU thing figured out back in 1944 when they knew they were losing the war (officially US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128), feel free to look it up or use any of our links.

One of the old Nazi bag men and chief bankers was Hermann Joseph Abs, old Hermann was also a key figure in the post war years as a banker and financier in Germany helping create the European Union of today. Here’s a good link of a kind of who, who in the Brussels EU and our man Herr Abs is right on the top of the list. Better wake up so called Europe and take your countries back! -EvS

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

2 thoughts on “EU Dictatorship and Neo Fuedalism”
  1. I am from Finland. I have read many things from internet sites only, of which TV and newspapers don’t tell. Actually censorship in the mainstream media makes my country a dictatorship, ruled by the political and economic elite.

    Finland is a corrupt country. Nobody can have a public post without being a member of a political party. In Finland all high-ranking officials, who earn 5000 euros a month or more, are members of political parties.

    No one can criticize the elite in the mainstream media. Any one who criticizes leading politicians, will lose his or her job.

    Finland as well as neighboring Sweden and Norway are dictatorship countries.

  2. Raimo, its unfortunate to hear that Finland has also fallen into the Neo Feudalism. Being that it had long history of fierce independence. The only real tools we have to fight back is information and awareness through alternative media. Eventually we can reach a critical mass and it is happening, slowly but people are waking up at an increasing rate. Have hope my friend and thanks for leaving us a comment. Cheers- EvS

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