Well there’s a new Pope in town and the conspiracy mills are already grinding full speed ahead. 

Normally I don’t touch the religious stuff with a ten foot pole (to me it’s like people who argue about what kinds of aliens are out there and what they want) but an article today through the emailing list caught my attention.  The article asserts that the new Pope (in the mortal realm known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio) who takes on the name Francis is now the “Peter” or “Petrus Romanus” spoken of in prophecy (ie he is the last pope) and that apparently he meets all the criteria. Sounds like a self fulfilling prophesy to me. I guess I’m one of those people Chris refers to as those “of shallow vision will be quick to point out “his name is not Peter,” . Yeah o.k. thanks Chris, let the fireworks start, lol. Link to Chris Putnam’s article.

 The “Church” or ie The Catholic Church(you know the world’s largest real estate corporations) attracts lots of conspiracy theories and enemies by having their finger in so many pies and making really stupid decisions making themselves a public target for scrutiny. Especially when they telling folks how to live their lives…..or hiding and covering up their members attacking children.

However like I’ve said before don’t throw it all out because of one crazy assertion, there was something about the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction…. curious, I decided to dig a bit deeper and here’s what I could find out: 

Its bull squirt, horse shit, etc. A fabrication. It’s right up there with the “Protocols of Zion“. The first clue should be when someone tells you an article or file or book was there but they made it disappear, or it was stolen from the library,  or its a secret document and I have a copy”.
 At that point the bullshit meter should be in the red zone. I’m going to guess that we will see an article outlining  that because the new Pope is from Argentina, that he is really the son of Adolph Hitler or he has links to escaped Nazi’s.

Were going to file this one in the “EvS Certified Bullshit category“. 

(at left our new “official” seal when we think something stinks or is simply a bunch of crap)
It’s things like this that divide us and make us easier to rule when we are chasing phantoms and needlessly mistrusting our neighbors. Not to mention distracting us from the real enemies of freedom (ie corporate fascism, Bilderbergs, NWO wannabees). Just so folks don’t get the idea that I’m anti religious, I view rabid atheists such as the Dawkins crowd just as equally divisive and intolerant of the beliefs of others. “The Church” has enough dirty laundry to last till the end of time, but let’s stick to the truth and not a bunch of the end times are coming horse shit. I still remember people saying that Ronald Reagan was the Anti-Christ because his first middle and last names all had 6 letters in them, ie 666. Reagan was a piece of work without having to label him the Anti-Christ. The last batch of “End of the World” theories have turned out to be duds so now we have the “Last Pope” theory. And we’ll be here when he’s gone and the next Pope comes in with a bunch of theories about him (or her?). The Mayan Calendar, Y2K, 11-11, blah, blah, blah.. didn’t happen. Folks are too afraid to face the real problems (ie ones we can actually work to solve) and come up with these fantasy problems ,which don’t need to be solved because they’re imaginary! -EvS

Bingolly1 is probably one of the best researchers out there on this, a self described “Southern Baptist” (ie non Catholic). Take the time to check out his research. He lays it all out pretty straightforwardly. -EvS


By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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