Monsanto kills Fox News story of their BGH hormones in your milk
yup they’re trying to kill us all ( well the “useless eaters” anyway). Monsanto the evil overlord of food production just keeps the hits on coming below is just a small list of all the notoriety this company has to offer! Also to give the evil empire a chance here is a link to their own “blog” with their own side of the story. Which is funny because the last 2 reporters ( Jane Akre and Steve Wilson) that had tried to say anything about Monsanto got fired when Monsanto leaned on Fox News.
essentially used to make cows give more milk, turns up in the milk and causes various cancers, Monsanto doesn’t want you to know that.
destroying family farms
these are the assholes that try to force farmers to use the Monsanto seed only and if they dont they try to say the neighbors crops pollinated the other fields and then sue the hapless farmer who did nothing but try to grow his own crops. On top of that they don’t want farmers to keep any seed for a rainy day and threaten to sue any seed harvester/cleaners, store owners and anyone who does business with them.
Think your free? Its called fascism when corporations in combination with government rule!
and our old buddy Donny Rumsfeld is in on the gig, check it out. turns out the stuff can mess you up as well. As a note though Monsanto has sold off this part of production to another company. There is also an interesting site that would refute that aspartame is unsafe. Then again there’s folks who will tell you that Oswald was the lone assassin! -EvS