With the droughts that hit North America this past year (2012) there were water bans in effects in many
municipalities across the continent…. but that’s for the little guy not big business such as Nestle and other corporations that keep pumping that water for sale. Here’s a blurb from Nestle we don’t want to censor their opinion necessarily.
Water should be the number one issue for all of us, all societies, political groups, movements, etc. You can live for up to 3 weeks without food but only 3 to 5 days without water (climate and conditions depending).

Great Lakes water levels dropping, its not because of global warming. It just might have something to do with bottling companies (and other industries that use water in their processes) sucking up the new “blue gold”. When bottled water costs more than gasoline it’s interesting that the water industry has less regulation than the petrochemical industry!

What’s in the water? Well in quite a few areas fluoride. Fluoride, yeah the same stuff most of us put on their teeth when brushing. But does anyone pay attention on to fluoride warnings? I.E. “rinse thoroughly after brushing” if ingested by anyone of such and such an age contact poison control? Does that sound like something you want in your coffee, food, everyday drinking?

What is fluoride? It’s a waste by product of the aluminum industry and are getting paid to dump it into the drinking water, lol. Can you believe that? The Nazi’s were also fans of using it in the drinking water for concentration camps knowing that it gradually pacifies a population. With all the shit going on lately wonder why the Europeans are out in force and protesting, standing up. Surprise they don’t fluoridate their water. In good ole U.S.A. people don’t care because their being drugged. 

A really good site can be found here The Fluoride Action Network, that details “50 reasons to oppose Fluoridation” 
We need to get smart and updated about Fluoride and it’s proper uses, consumption not being one of them! Not unlike asbestos that has its uses but can be and is hazardous when not used properly!

Now back to the matter of water, without you die. Period. So its not a commodity but a necessity of life and should be protected as such. Private corporations are about making a buck, not a bad thing but can be when it comes down to something you have to have not want to have. The debate continues over private versus public water services providers. Below is probably one of the most important and educational films Ive seen so far about water, water conservation, privatization of water and what can be done.

The corporations have all sorts of money to undermine activist groups, set up fake groups and generally all the PR money can buy. It ain’t going to be an easy fight but possibly will be one of the most important fights in the world!
There have been wars over water throughout the world and history and it’s not going to be easy but victories can be one such as in Bolivia. Stopping corporations from farming OUR WATER is a necessity to prevent wars between ourselves. 
Sometimes the good guys do win!
I would also recommend a film called “Water on the Table” another really great doc! -EvS

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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