In light of recent disaster unfolding at Fukashima in Japan I thought putting some things in here for our
readers abroad may help. -March 15 EST

Here’s a real sciency brainiac  link but better to get the quick and dirty below!
Ki4u has a really good resource here

The EvS quick n dirty.

 There is NO SAFE LEVELS OF RADIATION!! (insert- one of our readers made a point that perhaps in putting capitols that maybe we are fear mongering and the radiation we are talking about here in case there are those who need clarification is about nuclear radiation in the forms of fallout and nuclear explosions. I hope this resolves any confusion in case readers get confused in the context of the article-EvS). Radiation causes cancer and other problems. PERIOD. Its a matter of accumulative exposure over time. Reduce or avoid exposure.

Radiation goes through things, put something between yourself and radiation, preferably distance!

In the case of fallout – even a heavy blanket, thick clothing, poncho whatever dont let that shit touch you! Get some ground between yourself and the radiation, earth , lead painted walls, water.

Take some Potassium Iodide tablets- they help stop the thyroid from absorbing radiation. In a pinch use iodine topically ( DO NOT DRINK) for similar effects- WORD TO THE WISE- this is not a Silver Bullet and is only one part in helping to protect you. The rest of your body can become sick and radiated but this does help.

“When fallout is first anticipated, even though it has not yet arrived, have anybody still outside begin wearing their dust protector filter masks and hooded rain ponchos. Everyone should begin taking their Potassium Iodide (KI) or Potassium Iodate (KIO3) tablets for thyroid protection against cancer causing radioactive iodine, a major product of nuclear weapons explosions. If no tablets available, you can topically (on the skin) apply an iodine solution, like tincture of iodine or Betadine, for a similar protective effect. (WARNING: Iodine solutions are NEVER to be ingested or swallowed.) For adults, paint 8 ml of a 2 percent tincture of Iodine on the abdomen or forearm each day, ideally at least 2 hours prior to possible exposure. For children 3 to 18, but under 150 pounds, only half that amount painted on daily, or 4 ml. For children under 3 but older than a month, half again, or 2 ml.” -excerpt from WW3 Survival Tips 

DECONTAMINATION- so once your in shelter or had to take a walk outside you will need to get that shit off of you:

The old military standby was to use Fullers Earth, blot bang rub(for chemicals). But brushing off then washing for radioactive debris. Making sure you clean off an area before removal from your person and never letting you skin touch any contaminated areas, the gloves should be the last thing to come off and use the buddy system to help each other out. Here is a linky showing how its done

Decontamination is very important, brushing off fallout and taking off clothing to be bagged and washed later is a good idea, dont bring in contamination into your shelter.
Now in reality most folks dont have NBCW suits and gas masks or detection tape and MOPP setups. Now some of those old civil defense films might seem silly by todays standards but really people are idiots today compared to the generation that was prepared to survive unlike the sheeple of today . Please watch the following films and realize that the information still holds true even today.

A big thing if your going to be stuck indoors or underground until the rads decrease or you have a shot at escape is preventing boredom. Again might sound silly but having a radio, reading material and even a few board games will take you pretty far in the “trying not to go crazy department”. Of course the priority is water, then food, etc etc.

Just as important is surviving in emergency shelters, take a look at what happens in small crowded areas, like prison…. not a pretty picture. Well relief camps and the like are no paradise either. Sleep in shifts if your with a good group or in pairs to make sure nobody steals your stuff. If your female travel in pairs and stay away from unlit areas. Sounds weird but people act really fucked up in survival situations and things can get really ugly really quick. The following videos illustrate this kind of situation.

The cops might not be your friend either in an every dog for themselves scenario

If you live in an area that was contaminated and is now called “safe” consider these people who live in Chelyabinsk
Remember there are  no safe levels of radiation. I think there should be some modern updated films made for Civil Defense but in the meanwhile these are the oldies but goodies -EvS

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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