PFC Daniel Swain, a medic with the 9th Infantry Scout Company, heats some water to prepare a meal of hot field rations after returning from a three-day patrol.

Having a coffee and a smoke at 0630 in the morning I’m using a store bought air pump for a slow leak on a tire I just never seem to have the time or cash to replace. Its an irritant but hardly a major concern. I reflect back to the me of almost 20 years ago doing the coffee and butt routine except the coffee is in an aluminum kidney shaped cup and Im still in the army having a quick moment of peace before getting my guys ready to roll. Those days concerns were like assholes and opinions, everyone has one but didn’t make it everyone else’s problem. Lots changed from then till now. Life’s been more comfortable or was at least up till post-Trump.

I’ve never seen such as stir over any U.S. President. Sure folks would get pissed off at Obama and the birther crap, which for the most part people didn’t buy into or it was an issue relegated to the fringe groups. But wow Trump gets in and North American society gets turned upside down with all the crazies from Left and Right pilling out of the wood work. Folks could normally have a conversation about various issues and disagreements would be leave it at that. Now it seems everything is a hot button issue and anything that was a hot button issue before is a reason to war with one another.

So how did we go from the normal levels of crazy in this world of ours to the Year fucking Zero?! When the hell did everyone all of a sudden get a free pass on being responsible citizens? Now you can eat laundry soap, burn, loot and demand that others give up their rights for your own extremist political beliefs. When did society start to eat itself?

To be fair I don’t think it’s all that. One might think the sky is falling if we watch the news. Hell even the radio is talking identity politics. Go to the local coffee shop and I’m not seeing it there though. Walking through the streets in a few larger towns and cities in my immediate geography Im not really seeing it there in the day to day either. What I do see is people going on about their lives, working, shopping, getting by and living their lives. So why the big push for chaos? Why is there a huge platform for what 20 years ago would have been the lunatic fringe? I’m not against anyone who proclaims to be transgender (the gay and lesbian acceptance has already mainstreamed the last generation) and there should be zero discrimination against anyone born that way. But is there really that many transgendered people out there that its a continuous front and center issue in the media? Or being force fed in schools? From what I can find, 0.3 percent of the population is transgender. Even if we double that its still less than 1% of the population. Less than 1% of the population should account for societal change? Fucking whatever. Pick a washroom and use it, I don’t even know why this is a debate. I’ve used the woman’s washroom in a pinch if the other one wasn’t available and……..nothing happened. No lightning bolts, no sirens, no protests, no traumatized or triggered people. Well I did get a funny look from a lady, just told her the other one’s out of service. And yes I did make sure the seat was down before I left.

Now onto the “white privilege” since when the hell did anyone get to tell anyone else to shut up because of their skin tone? When the hell has that ever been o.k.? It wasn’t even o.k. generations ago. Like almost any North American who has bloodlines going back to Revolutionary America I can claim multiple ancestry.  I was raised in what some might call “white society” but I didn’t really see how I was raised differently than any other kids in school (who came from different races and religions). I’m not completely ignorant about “inner city youth” having at one time been one myself, but as Morgan Freeman eloquently said, “the bus runs every day”. Paying bills, raising kids, helping my community, going to work, etc. Show me the privilege. Nobody is giving me a free pass over anyone else.

Well said Sir. Well said. Now detractors to common sense will decry, “Uncle Tom!” and other crap. Well fuck you people. No shortage of assholes looking to drag others down.

In high-school I went to a “vocational” school. It was there to teach the students a trade and the focus of your education would be on that particular trade. I was an “emancipated youth” at the age of 16 and could write my own school notes. Unfortunately my first period class attendance would suffer as a result of my late nights life style lol. Although I had achieved all of my first period projects for the semester and was working on make work projects and maintaining a high average, my being late ,a lot, and absent resulted in my being “fired”.  I was floored how could my first period teacher fire me?! I completed all the curriculum and was way ahead of the bell curve.  The teacher (whom I still admire today and who wrote me a great reference letter when I applied to the army) explained that in the real world, and on the job, being late and absent results in being fired regardless of how well you do when your actually on the job.  So I took up the matter with the vice principal who was in complete agreement with the teacher and explained to me that the system works against you. Its not there to be your friend or parent and that you get what you make for yourself. Two life lessons in one day! Needless to say the rest of my classes that semester had perfect attendance (mostly).

Seems to be a problem today (or so were being led to believe) that no one needs any kind of accountability or that they need to do things for themselves. That were all special individuals and there’s no need to have to work with others who may or may not share the same view points as yourself.  The government should be your nanny. Society should address your personal concerns.

In the green machine (aka army) I learned that all  individual races and creeds are equally worthless but together people can do anything! Sure people were obviously black or white or whatever but that was a remote concern to all of us being green, the only color that mattered. I don’t condone the draft, military life is hard enough as a volunteer let alone someone being there against their will. But sometimes I wonder if it could help. I think there would be a lot less whining and feelings of being special little individuals and that the human condition is the same for everyone. Identity politics, believe it or not is not a new thing… its just back in vogue. Gender equity, men versus woman, black-asian-white vs whatever. Its just divisive  and a distraction from how our “elites”, corporate culture, etc is really screwing us.

Safe spaces, LMAO….. really what in the fuck is that?! Sounds and looks more like a time out corner to me. Stop the world I need to get off. Someone has a contrary opinion or something is offensive and I need to retreat into a personal space bubble. Fuck really? There’s something seriously wrong there. Now if you have a mental health condition I get it, ok there’s a social phobia or other concern. Shit happens, there’s therapy and programs to help people deal with that. But to normalize that? Where’s the safe spaces outside in the real world, away from the hallowed halls of academia? I’ve seen videos and news clips, usually of girls (oh oh gender assumption, etal) screaming, and I mean fucking mental ward levels of screaming as a form of protest. Used to be when someone melts down like that its a trip in the ambulance next stop psych evaluation. Somehow that’s the new normal? Not in any-town on real life street. There would be cops out pretty quick to find out what in the fuck was going on.

LMAO, yeah its a fucking thing. Plenty of “SJW” meltdown videos out there. Give her a microphone and set up a band go on tour and earn some money. That “scream-O” shit sells.  Now to make a point or a sort of disclaimer: Sadly I almost feel a need to “self censor“, that thing that way too many do now and it’s really unhealthy for democracy. I am politically non partisan and apolitical. Sorry Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, Liberals….. I could give a shit about being pigeon holed into a neat little box to make it easy for some turkey to shit all over what they perceive to be my political beliefs. Closest thing to any kind of political label I get would be Anarcho-Syndicalism. I am also active in my trade union and have been active with trade unions since I left the military. Sorry ANTIFA types your not anarchists, just self entitled limousine liberals.

Now lets move onto the big boogeyman out there…..GUNS!!!!! I’m sure I will lose some readers over this one, if so well that’s too bad… wasn’t meant to be anyway. Society needs firearms not just for hunting and sports recreation. Its my opinion that private ownership of firearms (and conversely the right not to have to own any) reflects a healthy society where a government isn’t completely totalitarian and suppressing the people. Before anyone spouts off about “the children” (a favorite phrase used by anyone looking to manipulate a situation) or criminals or any anti-gun crap…. please don’t waste your time and mine. We can yell and scream, quote, pull up facts and figures and bash it back and forth all day, week , year, etc long and never come to any consensus. FACT: AR-15’s are NOT military grade weapons. The whole “assault rifle” thing is complete bullshit. Plenty of regular rifles that work and do the same exact thing (its called physics) as any AR-15. The furniture (how it looks) has little to nothing to do with how it works. Now why these school shooter fuck-tards use the AR-15 I have no idea. Banning it will NOT stop bad things from happening. Banning firearms doesn’t stop pipe bombs or suicide trucks. Plus if we banned firearms today how in the fuck would we disarm the populace? Answer is that will never happen, regardless of a ban. Come up with a better solution.

Increasing age limit on ownership is a start (sorry NRA types), having mandatory training (as in many western firearms owning societies) is probably better. Reality is there already is background checks and that many main stream media stories (ie cheaper than food, or easier to buy than gum) about the ease of getting firearms is complete bullshit. Sorry anti-gun folks the hype doesn’t stand up to any serious scrutiny. If your going to be anti-firearms/ anti-gun please educate yourself about firearms, learn everything you can about them. And not from some anti-gun (or pro gun) lobby. Go to the FBI crime statistics website, learn exactly how many firearms deaths there (from CDC) are in relation to lightning strikes, drownings, cancer, etc.

We all have rights,privileges and responsibilities in any given society. Responsibility- it goes hand in hand with rights. Now here’s my reason for my own knee jerk reaction every time I hear people talking about gun control/bans. Its an erosion of one’s rights to satisfy another persons wants. When someone doesn’t like something (usually out of unfamiliarity, fear, ignorance) that should not give them the right to take anything away from anyone else. Not so sorry to those who don’t like Muslims but the same argument for gun control (if were going by strict body count, etc) could be made for Muslims. Islamic terrorism is a thing (as well as political terrorism, economic,etc). Should we ban Muslims based on the actions of some sick assholes? Didn’t think so. Banning guns wont work. It wont reduce crime. Reality again is a funny thing, gun crime (despite what the news will have you believe) is actually on a down trend even as firearms ownership goes up. Weird its like its not correlated. Statistics and facts can be a real bugger for political agendas.

It is my contention that political extremism, identity politics, etc are only there to divide us (being the regular folks who work for a living). Anyone still remember the Occupy movement? The “Establishment” sure does. News downplayed for the most part what was a huge movement. Understandable when you take a look at who controls/owns media (hint its not poor or working folks) and it’s in their ultimate interest to promote their own financial and societal power. Yet when the proles want to fight among themselves it takes the heat off the elites and so mass media will promote that for all its ad revenue (and agenda) worth. “Divide and rule” ( divide et impera ) has been the order of the day (for the elites) since probably time immemorial but the saying is attributed to Phillip of Macedonia (well over 2000 years ago). Countless examples, not suspected but actually written about in length, include former Yugoslavia, United States (OPeration Chaos, COINTELPRO), India under the British and still ongoing.

We need to get back to fighting the real enemy and stop fighting among ourselves.

Thanks for tuning in, Evil von Scary

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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