So why is it that political bodies feel the need to continuously create new legislation and laws? Is the world changing that much. Simple answer…. no.

More and more laws and regulations are not the answer to anything.  Political choices made around the world are doing nothing about freedom. In fact they  are doing quite the opposite in curtailing freedom and creating bureaucratic repression.  We don’t need more legislation and laws, etc we need to make the ones we have work and where they don’t work to get rid of them.

When you see the same agenda and speeches given in parliaments, senates, Dumas, etc with almost the same wording you know it’s an agenda.
That’s what these Bilderberg and Davos meetings are all about. The politicians show up to these meetings, get marching orders from the elite’s and go back to their respective countries and implement the will of the elite’s. Not unlike lobbying except the decision maker’s go to the lobbyists instead of the other way around. Having said that getting rid of lobbying in government would go a long way to correcting a good deal of corruption.

Advocating violence/repression against another group or idea using government in anti-Freedom. For instance when someone uses to tool of government to get their way against someone else they disagree with then they play into oppression. A good example being so called “gun-control” laws. People who don’t like firearms (and that’s fine nobody says you have to like them) create groups (that play into the hands of oppression) that feel that because they don’ like guns nobody else should and that if you do you should be a criminal because you disagree with them. Conversely if the gun owners were as vociferous about ownership should they not lobby to make everyone own them because they don’t like the non gun owners opinions?
No as again it would just create an oppression yet again. However I would argue for gun ownership as only the slaves throughout history were unarmed( the Janissaries being an exception), again though my opinion and not one I would use government oppression to foist on others. 

There are countless parallels in using this example for instance saying people can’t own/raise chickens in their backyards or smoke marijuana. Neither of which I am involved in but why would I try to begrudge others from doing something that brings me no harm?

Many issues such as abortion, political affiliation, unions, gun ownership the so called “hot-button” issues again involve personal choices and have no larger effect on others but are pushed around the political circus and create division and divide friends and family. WHICH IS WHERE “THEY” WANT YOU! A divided populace has been seen all throughout history as a tool of elites to maintain control. So what side of the fence do you sit on? Why does there have to be a fence? Are you right wing or left wing? Why superscribe your ideas to a bird? – eVs

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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