
SITUATION- Everyone and their dog in the Prepper and Survivalist world goes camping to bone up on survival skills ,ever heard of the Boy Scouts?

But how many go camping on the bad side of town, the wrong side of the tracks…. the “economically disadvantaged area“?

None if they have any fucking brains. But Evil’s been drinking again and decided to impart some whiskey er  wisdom your way.


NOTE: To those who like to sue because they can’t accept or won’t accept responsibility for their own actions- Your responsible for yourself! Everything in this article is for “academic purposes only” and does not constitute advice or training unless you are paying me for it and in which case you probably cant afford my fee schedule. I charge well for my personal time! But I digress.. on with the challenge.


r-SKID-ROW-GANG-INJUNCTION-large570The EvS Urban Survival Challenge:

The challenge: is to survive in an urban environment (not in your house or anyone else’s or hotel,etc) for 1 week with minimal preparations, comforts and materials. This can be shortened to a weekend or hell even overnight if you need to build up to longer. Remember your going to be “homeless” for a period of time. Taking a friend is a good idea as well. If you already have a “bug out bag” this is a good opportunity to put it to the test.

iStock_000008450411Small-630x419The purpose: to give confidence in your survival skills and a chance to practice some real world survival skills. To know that even if you lost your house and job tomorrow you can and WILL SURVIVE. For the more advanced preppers and survivalists it may also help identify some needed skills and preps that are needed/lacking in your own practices. Even more importantly it will help you to understand those who are homeless and that everyday is survival day for them. Everyday is a SHTF for the homeless, at least you can go home….



1/ as you should know SHELTER is the first order of business in survival. Find an abandoned building that provides security and protection from the elements. Realize potential hazards such as gangs, rodents, pollutants, fire hazards, potential disease and other human beings.

2/ Find sources of water and food. This can be as simple as finding a public fountain or more natural sources. Needless to say be prepared to filter that water and make it safe. If this is a more preliminary challenge just use the water you brought with you. Now make some food, for the first night i recommend eating a cold meal just to get the feel of being miserable. However this would be a great opportunity to test out a hobo stove! If there is a men’s mission or soup kitchen take note of where it is. Food banks ,charity halls,restaurants or grocery store garbage are also a source of food !(see Freeganism).

soaps_hollyoaks_3314_43/ Study the terrain. Take mental notes. Don’t write shit down because if anyone finds it they might get the wrong idea. Note things like panhandlers,beggars,drug dealers, gang bangers and prostitutes- they stake out territory ! Don’t be perceived as “cutting their grass”.  Always have an out. There is no extraction team. Another good thing -people don’t like to go near people who stink, be sure to have a good hum on. Most folks will avoid you that way.

4/ Create an alternate location. Stock it up and have it ready for habitation. Create a few stash sites for gear and tools.

5/End ex. You’ve survived the night, weekend or week. Wrap up and self extract or make the (collect) phone call to your designated extraction team. Towel off champ you did it. Take notes on what worked, what didn’t.



(photo credit- David Stillman)


me saying self extract? That’s for those who know kinda what they’re doing. Having someone on standby to get you out at a predetermined location can be a good thing. Having a prepaid cell phone or prepaid calling card (if the area has pay phones) is also handy.


I would also recommend having a typed out a letter explaining in full your intentions of this exercise. Mail it to your extraction team in a sealed envelope not to be opened. Or even better yet, email yourself the same letter, it will generate a time stamp when sent. This will show that your not just some kind of weirdo or criminal. This will be very helpful in the event the police pick you up , then you have an alibi.

Other support is men’s missions or homeless shelters, friendly passers-by who might throw some change at you or a local gang willing to use you as a drug mule.

Have a “legend”. Chances are you won’t or shouldn’t be carrying ID. Use your middle name and your mothers last name. Keep details to a minimum , you lost your job, wife/husband left you or just “LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD”  works great too for curious locals.

Many larger urban areas have what is called “Urban Explorers” or “Urban Infiltration Teams” look em up, hook up. These guys and gals will flesh out anyone’s skills set. Serious Preppers and Survivalists can really learn from these folks. And I feel they are really under represented in the survival community.


Don’t take anything your not willing to lose!!

that bug out bag along with a prepaid cell, don’t take unless willing to have stolen, lost or sold for drugs.

Have a “safety words” or pass phrases worked out in advance if your bringing along a friend.  If split up make sure that you always have a meet up (or rendezvous) spot planned.

I would recommend prior to departure – shopping at a Good Will or Salvation Army or thrift shop for your clothing. Hoodies, loose and layered clothing. NO BRAND NAMES! Don’t give some gang bangers a reason to want to steal your shoes or shoot you over a hat or sweater.

New Goodwill Outlet Store in GrandvillePay attention

to how you see a hobo dress. BLEND IN! This isn’t a fucking fashion show! Don’t shower either. Remember the stinky rule. Also people with mental health concerns are scary on the street. If you’re trying to avoid contact with others:talk to people who aren’t there and/or screaming obscenities while drawing imaginary pictures in the air. That usually keeps people away!

Remember this is YOUR training if it gets too hot (or cold) get out!

Thanks for tuning in- EvS


By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

3 thoughts on “The EvS Urban Survival Challenge”
  1. I think this is a great idea. I was forced to live on the streets when I was a young adult for almost to weeks. Any one who thinks that SHTF means eating canned goods in a tent doesn’t actually understand what desperate is. Around here we call that camping. Trying to find water and food for nothing with nothing is much better way to think outside the box. The lessons I learned help when I was in the army to be resourceful.

  2. thanks Jimmy and good point. SHTF isn’t always the “doomsday” or “collapse” scenario. Suddenly having no home and living on the street is a real and very possible SHTF scenario for anyone.

  3. I lived on the streets in Toronto and Vancouver back in the 60’s. Having talked to many homeless since then I see it’s much harder than it was. Even so I had my share of troubles then. I was young and used to get preyed upon by the strangest people like wealthy businessmen, harassed by the police. Oddly I got help from people you’d never think would help like prostitutes and bikers. Often I’d hide out in the local parks, the big ones like Stanley Park in Vancouver. I dumpster dived and learned dusk was the best time or early in the morning. There is many things I went through that I can’t talk about that helped me survive. Good luck to all unfortunate to be on the streets. Great article here. Thanks.

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