My apologies to the readers as of late as Ive had a bit of writer’s block as well as distractions in family, work and regular life , albeit necessary distractions.

Going forward Ive been doing some reading on central Europe and its struggle to reintegrate itself back into Europe after the cold war. Seems that some in the western world see central Europe as the hot bed of nationalism and racism and not integrating into the “global” or pan European sphere.

On the surface the nationalism does seem to be a concern but could in some ways this not be a plus for the people’s living in these countries? A stronger sense of identity preventing a homogenous globalism where people’s sense of culture and identity is wiped out in the march toward a New World Order?

In current thinking many academics equate nationalism with the nazi’s and other totalitarian regimes throughout history and offer the alternate of a United Nations concept where we all are equal ( the Communist ideal in principal). Problem with achieving equality is that everyone else outside of the lower socio-economic class becomes the lower socio-economic class while a wealthy elite just rises and consolidates ever increasing wealth and influence( the real outcome of Communism and other oligarchies as well as practiced capitalism so far).

So what then? A case for positive nationalism? Why not? Many countries are for the most part homogenous in their cultures but have respect for their minorities and neighbors, encourage fair trade were it is advantageous to their societies at large (not just a wealthy few). Nationalism can encourage and develop community and sense of purpose, collective self determination. In the  case of collective self determination to break it down in simpler terms- this allows a people of any given nation to have laws (civil, criminal,economic) that reflect their own needs and values not someone else’s ( ie globalist bankers, international corporations,etc).

On the flip side what does Globalism offer us so far in practice? Well jobs go to the lowest bidder so wherever it can be done the cheapest. In some ways this increases the profits of corporations but what about the people? The companies( who now don’t pay any taxes or contribute anything other than to themselves) that move abroad leave behind unemployed workers creating disparity and lowering of that countries living standards. The new host country (sounds almost like were talking about parasites here, lol) does initially benefit from gaining employment for their people but has next to no control over the labor standards and in many (if not most) cases turns their people into slaves for the new company that has moved in. The threat of “we can always take the jobs somewhere else” hangs over their heads perpetually. Many of the new “emerging economies” set up free economic zones, areas of their countries set aside for factories owned by multi-nationals and where the normal rules of things like human rights, labor codes and the like do not apply. Essentially legalized slavery. Here is a link of countries that utilize Free Economic Zones.

The kings, queens and despots of old thought more on a multinational or globalist level. They viewed themselves all as cousins (and many were) and not actually members of their nations. Nationalism had destroyed their hold on their  “subjects” and brought ownership and decision making to the people instead of the royal elites. The elites and their banking “allies” are on the road to destroying nationalism as it is a road block on their return to power.

The globalist ideal of a world wide free trade zone just creates a race to the bottom socially, environmentally and economically. To make this happen for the advantage of global corporations and the wealthy elites they need to destroy nationalism and any sense of community. Pesky communities and strong willed populations oppose companies steam rolling over their rights and well being. Thus the big push to create a dulled down population with no sense of identity or backbone who only keep consuming. By keeping people in debt ( as wages go down but cost of living increases) the globalists keep control of people.

In Nationalism ( not that fascist, corporate crap) debt is discouraged. Fair trade (not Free Trade) is the norm and corporations are reigned in under control.Now when you might look up Fair Trade you will see stuff about tobacco or coco farmers in Central or South America. Not to down play that as it helps them out but I feel in some ways short sells the Fair Trade concept and turns it into a guilt ridden lefty liberal kind of thing.

Fair Trade works both ways and in the long haul encourages trade on a more stable platform. For instance country A makes cars but not coffee, country B makes clothes but not cars and country C makes coffee. Well they can buy swap and trade to get what they need for a fair price and on their own terms. Thats very simplified but that’s Fair Trade in a nutshell. Whereas Free Trade ( ie Globalism) forces countries to buy and sell at fixed prices and sometime buy what they dont need and not be able to sell what they have.
So what about the racism? Well in globalist practice of a migrant workforce ( its there just check out any pro globalist publications) people will continue to move around the world like a traveling group of skilled labor with no country of society of their own. Globalism promotes racism and strife between societies and people by creating mass migrations into other countries and societies to find work and perhaps better living standards as those Free Economic Zones where they come from are little better than forced labor camps. Big problem though for these migrants as well as the host countries that take them in is that their values sets and ideas of social norms can be vastly different. Take the case of Europe and its increasing populations of Islamic peoples who now want their host countries to adopt their own ideals and cultures. It becomes a case of clashing cultures whereas before with limited immigration people’s immigrating had time to assimilate into their new home country as well as contribute some of their own culture and values. This becomes impossible with globalist mass migration and only serves to create conflict. In most cases anytime you look into “nationalism” it gets painted with a racist brush as if meant to scare off anyone even thinking of nationalism as a rational approach. A serious study into nationalism is that it unites various peoples in a country and backgrounds into a common goal. Sounds pretty inclusive to me, and eliminates alot of the hyphenated dual allegiances.

Some might argue that nationalism leads to militarism. Not so, take the Swiss model of nationalism or Swedish(or Norwegian), they have a moderate military force for self defense but not large enough to be a force of aggression. So far under the globalist model military spending is out of control with more wars going ( as well as the “blood and treasure” that gets spent) than at almost any previous time in earth’s history. Some positive outlets of Nationalism in the competing sense of the word comes from various sports, football for example. Sure the hooligans get the press but the vast majority of fans enjoy a friendly rivalry and sportsmanship.

Another problem with the globalist model of economics is that when something bad happens in one country that could otherwise be an isolated event becomes a global problem economically. Countries like China, Japan and India all employ protectionist policies and are currently the thriving and growing economies yet in the U.S. using the Free Trade model the economy is in shambles with record unemployment. So where is the benefit for Globalism? Nationalism is the anti thesis of globalism. Nationalism also does not allow a one central authority to control all in a globalist sense. Its not to say that nations can’t cooperate on a larger level to assist each other in a mutually beneficial manner. However I will await the inevitable pro communist/ globalist attacks from this article. I welcome all opinions whether I agree with them or not though. So anyone who is dead set against nationalism feel free to respond but please do so in a coherent and polite manner without all of the screaming and yelling. Which seems to be the case when people can’t debate logically (especially when they are brain washed globalists) they will resort to name calling, accusations and the like.
Well I could go on for hours ad infinity but will try to keep any rants to a minimum and in digestible sizes. Thanks for tuning in and in the future will endeavor to be more prolific in material. Cheers -EvS

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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