Not that we didn’t know this already but it would seem to many that the real New World Order is run by banks. Makes sense really as you need someone to keep printing the money to put countries into debt and thereby control them, by influencing decisions made by politicians through bribery or if you don’t make such and such a decision we will call on the debt bankrupting you.

A really famous quote “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild 

Problem being though is the guy died about 100 years before the quote attributed to him was attributed to him. However it is illustrative of the bankers attitudes towards sovereignty.

A better point would be-

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” — Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President.

 For a  whole slew of good quotes on banking and its evil’s check here.

Coming up to more modern times recently the Germans have decided that bailing out Greece will go ahead despite people’s wishes to the contrary in that country but when your country is run by the banks the could give a rats ass despite protests to the contrary.  And the Greeks don’t want the money and debt that goes along with it, thus loosing more power to German banks.

The U.S. isn’t doing much better with Goldman Sachs running the country there either. Recently trader Alessio Rasanti in an interview with BBC told it like it is and said Goldman Sachs rules the world. A bit of oversimplification but damned close to the mark. Of course though he will be crussified for even saying this. Actually Forbes is doing that already and Im damned sure there will be more, if not a sex or drug scandal, maybe even a suicide for speaking the truth. They will do their best to discredit this guy. And does anyone really think that BBC didn’t check this guy out before giving him air time. C’mon folks!

A bit of background for all those liberal, blame the conservative types. The reason that the whole market crashed was because of loose banking laws. Most countries had pretty restrictive banking laws put in since the last big economic depression to prevent catastrophes made by bankers and speculators. The Glass-Steagal Act was put into place in the United States as a check against the banksters and speculators. It was repealed in November of 1999 and signed by Bill Clinton a Democrat, who didn’t give a frick about anyone except his elitist buddies. However George Bush Jr helped things along by getting rid of other safety features put it into law to prevent another Great Depression.

Nomi Prins has a pretty good book that goes into alot more detail in her book called “Black Tuesday“. Its a fiction book but illustrates the impact of the Great Depression. She also has written mostly non-fiction, academic style books exposing banking and trading fraudulent practices.

People recently have started occupying Wall Street in the U.S. to protest  to the banksters and traders running their country into the ground. Of course the cops who are really there to protect the system could give a shit about anyone’s rights there.

People are starting to wake up at an exponential rate. New World Order you better take notice as you will eventually be dragged into court in countries around the world.  In a protest in Isreal against government policies there protestors had a guillotine on display as a message. Good point!

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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