Is the United States owned by the Vatican? 

I’ve seen this one come up allot over the years and it’s bullshit. 

Time to put this fucking one to bed already. The document in question that is quoted is the Treaty of Verona in 1213, signed between the Vatican and England(allegedly).

  This should not be confused with the Congress of Verona after Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated and the powers that be at the time in Europe decided how to carve up Europe. Then there also seems to be another “secret Treaty of Verona 1822”. So which one is it? Or is it the same one? It would appear in this story they are used interchangeably. And I cannot find any source for the 1213 document everyone seems just to be quoting each other which further leads me to believe it’s b.s.

Essentially folks out there are saying because of this Treaty of Verona that the Vatican owns England and somehow the United States is also because the U.S. is owned by Britain. Sorry folks call bullshit on that one. You have to jump through so many logic hoops and quasi legalese to make the facts fit the theory on this.

The main argument is that those signatory to the treaty bind their heirs and successors by law, contracts don’t work that way. New treaties ( and contracts, wills, etc) superseded old ones. I.e. The Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Act of Union 1707,etc

Needless to say it drags in the Black Nobility and a plot to drag the good ole U.S. of A. into a satanic conspiracy orchestrated by the Pope, etc,etc. Oh and the House of Rothschild (ie the Jewish banking family) acting as agents of Rome (who are Catholic) because they control England, etc (the Rothschild, House de are notorious double dealing banksters to be sure dont get me wrong there) 

(just so nobody accuses me of trying to censore them here is another video) 


Fucking please, we have more important issues at hand than this kind of crap and it’s stuff like this leading us on wild goose chases to nowhere.

When anyone calls someone out on this it becomes, “oh it’s a secret treaty”. And how pray-tell did someone come by this “secret treaty”? Give me a break it’s not a secret treaty. Another point is when did this so called treaty get translated from Latin into everyday English being that it was written in 1213? What about Reformation? Separation of Church and State anyone? Protestant Landsknecht troops sacking Rome in 1527? Doesn’t sound like the Papacy is in control to me.

Here is a video typical of what you can find on this subject 

Its too bad because there is some really great information in allot of the videos and webpages out there but almost every one of them is making the facts fit a preconceived theory and ignoring other facts that dispute that. 

There is something called The Treaty of Peace. It was signed by The United States of American and Great Britain ending hostilities in what Americans call The Revolutionary War.  Here is just a little part: 

Treaty of Peace on September 3, 1783 (8 Stat. 218)
 “His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, to  be free, sovereign and independent States; that he treats with them as such; and for himself, his heirs and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, proprietary and  territorial rights of the same, and every part thereof.”

Sounds pretty clear cut to me. 

Besides with all of the banksters and other powerful families the Vatican would get squeezed out pretty quick.  If the Freemasons are the ones allegedly running the show they don’t have any truck with the Vatican last I checked the Templar leader Jaques De MaLoy put a curse on the King of France and the Pope on Friday the 13th. But that’s a whole other topic for future discussion. 

In writing this I don’t want to make anyone look stupid or throw out the baby with the bath water. From many of the links Ive put throughout the article many of the researchers/writers have done some really great and interesting research. But the evidence doesn’t support the claim( ie the Vatican owns the United States). Believe what you will dear readers. I for one however do not believe, even by a longshot, that the Vatican owns the U.S. or the U.K. for that matter. If you think I’m wrong send me some documentation (PDF is fine) ,please don’t send links to David Icke or someone else’s opinion so we can argue in circles for 3 weeks and have it end in name calling or saying that “so in so is a dis-info agent because they don’t believe my bullshit story”. It’s time we start dropping the fantasy stories and theories with little to no evidence, start getting active and put out info when you have the evidence.

By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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