I swear the Amish are the only ones left with any nuts. Not bad for a bunch of pacifists!!

In the U.S. there is the “The livestock premises registration program is intended to protect animal health. Premises registration will help state
animal health officials respond quickly to an animal health emergency. “- from Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture.

This was initiated on a federal level in the U.S. but they didnt have the moxey to legislate and enforce it as they knew damned well that it would be a revolution. So now individual states are sneaking it in ( with fed funds and bonuses).

The spin is it will help control diseases and promote animal welfare. BULLSHIT. Its about control! Its about squeezing out the little guys in the agra business and giving all the business to corporate farms to push the bigger agenda ( see Agenda 21).

Its being fought in the courts right now, lets hope there’s still some good judges out there willing to do the right thing.


By Evil von Scary

Veteran,Researcher and Blogger investigating the strange and unusual: political conspiracy, horror, survival. Your Internet Recce Team!

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