“The Japanese have some questions for ‘Palestine Supporters’…AND OH ARE THEY AWESOME”-

Another title of the same piece written by “Yashiko Sagamori“. Oh geez better buckle up “the Japanese” have some questions for Palestine Supporters. LMAO give me a break. I was able to find this site that seems to be co written by Yashiko, guess nobody told her,it,him whatever:  red lettering on black background really sucks to read on! However I encourage readers of our articles to read more for themselves and determine if I’m right or wrong in calling the writings of this person “propaganda”. I would even go so far as calling it hate mongering. I won’t call it “hate speech” as everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We don’t need any Orwellian “Doublespeak” controlling people’s opinions. However if your going to put it out there then be ready to have others disagree with you. Just because someone is Jewish or Christian or Zionist doesn’t mean that they can’t be racist or prejudiced.
This interesting map is in most editions of the same article. It is designed to illustrate a ridiculousness of any calling into question Israeli settlers occupying “arab” (Palestinian) land. I have a few issues with this graphic.

israel-map-620x374The only thing missing in this is Indonesia then you would have most of the Muslim or Islamic majority countries. Iranians and Turks are not Arabic nor are Pakistani’s,Afghans,Kazaks, and just about everyone else east of Iraq. However the propaganda angle is supposed to show an Israel surrounded by enemies. To be fair it is to a certain degree.

Nominally Saudi Arabia,Egypt and Turkey are in line with Israeli interests to a degree. Turkey having what is considered normal relations. However Israel has practiced a “Realpolitik” aka Kissinger style policy for years. In itself there is nothing wrong with that and can be considered a realist outlook in an area that is no stranger to volatility. Again though the Kahanist outlook (as it seems to be in the article) isn’t going to win Israel any much needed friends. Ironic that Jews who don’t even live in Israel like to shoot their mouths off about goings on in the Middle East. Granted Hezbollah and Hamas (with their backers who don’t live in Gaza or the West Bank either) are destroying a future for any hope for their own as well. The “truth” in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is drowned out by vested interests,extremism, dogma and ignorance from all sides including those from OUTside. -Evil von Scary