Category: news summary

Email leaks, Wikileaks and the Clinton Foundation

Recently on RT News a segment on there called “Going Underground” interviewed Julian Assange about the DNC email leaks. The email leaks resulted in people quitting the Clinton campaign and…

A guide to Chinese (PRC) Intelligence Operations

After my misguided battle with Chinese spammers I took a renewed interest in PRC’s intelligence capabilities. A few years ago I had called out a few spammers and started a…

The Last Week or so In Review August 17th,2014 #OpFerguson

Welcome gentle reader to another edition of The Last Week (or so) In Review. A summary of varying articles,news,opinions and happenings from our readers and contributors. Here we go….. 1/…

The Last Week (or so) In Review Aug 3rd 2014

Welcome to another edition of The Last Week or so In Review! A compilation of articles,stories and other information from our readers, contributors and other findings. Ready to be informed?…